Evil Kiwi

Doesn't change the fact that most of the credits listed a really obscure and prove most of them didn't have mainstream career. Especially Marsters or Carpenters.

Ok thanks!

I'm not sure, though.
For example, the Darkh from Doomworld was brought back in time for WWI and then got his memory erased. He still exists.
The Legends from Doomworld, the ones without their power, were not technically erased either. They just died.

He was in Legends season 1, right?

Not the robot hand. In Doomworld.
No? I'm confused.

Her eyes were, but they probably filmed them at another time.
Rene and Dinah were not in either. And I think Evelyn didn't say a word, so cheaper.

And random.

Oliver doesn't want to save his son to discover that he is now baby Sara.

But it was Lexa Doig.
I just think they didn't have to pay her.

This theme has been great all season long, I'm still not sick of hearing it.

Notice he didn't ask Barry for help.
Ollie's no fool.

I thought Merlyn got his hand back in Legends?

I wonder if Lexa Doig got paid for showing her eyes and not saying a word.

I will be the guy who dies early to raise the stakes.
Except, you know, no one will care.

The community grade agrees.

Lady scientists don't make friends.
They replace one another when they become evil for no reason.

Probably, but I'm still curious how they will be able to maintain this level without repeating themselves.
This year really feels like the end.

Both explanations are fine, it was indeed awesome.

Or a new Ravager for next year, hopefully with a better mask. Poor Summer!

So fucking good!
They packed so much in this, it's a wonder they still had time for slower scenes, like the birthday party or the car ride with Felicity and Diggle (Dig's a terrible driver).