Evil Kiwi

Not according to the official story!

He's the only reason why the season was one episode short.

Is *that* anti-comedy?


But will Barry and Iris FINALLY GET TOGETHER???

That would not be counted by Nielsen, though.
The WSJ article seems to imply that they listen to what their panel is watching and compare it to their data. I guess a least a few seconds of episode is needed to determine what's they're watching. Would not work with the opening credits.

And how many people watched the whole season in time for them not to be spoiled by Vulture?

JJ was long gone when we were first introduced to Richard.
JJ was REALLY LONG gone when his origin story was broken.

"I've been on the Island since, so long ago, you know, before I arrived here my wife and I barely got our first telephone".

Great final argument by Gus about the foreshadowing of the suicide.
I was with John until this point, but it was a really astute observation.

Another vote for Mr. Robot!

You're funny. Thanks.

He also announces he will be on vacation the following week in the same fucking review. Not everything is a conspiracy.

I bet Cersei's coronation is her last chapter in the book.

Anyway, I agree with this part of your message : "I guess I could be wrong".
And you were definitively wrong on your definition of "summer child".


I loved the Bayley flashbacks.
We see this young white guy commits three different crimes in three scenes and… there's no consequence at all. I'm pretty sure that some of the women he's guarding are in for smaller crimes.

Actually, I think "summer child" means they never experienced a winter at all. And I'm pretty sure it's been said that winter can last a decade.

*That's* what Netflix should have brought back!

Or he could have tried to desperately hide the body while she's just about to enter the room!