Evil Kiwi

Yeah, sure. Great conversation starter.

The Raven storyline is amazing. The possession scene and everything leading to it (Stupid Finn!) was amazing. Abby's choice was amazing.

Fucking dubstep would have been great, actually.
What's better than ear raping to go with all the rape?

Yeah, no.

Fair enough.

That's comforting, thank you.

Calling Gabaldon "Herself" is just SO creepy to a non-fan…

It's on Netflix France.

Is the season as good as the season is?

This song. is. the. worst.

I like that theory!
I was focused on Burton for obvious reasons, but yeah, Doakes makes the most sense, casting and all. But if all the victims happen to be his patients, thus making Carrie a target (poor Doakes), the sheriff department will look like a bunch of idiots…

She doesn't even need it. Why protect your secret identity when time traveling?

Except everything leading to Spacewalker made no sense at all. Finn murdering the village last season was as stupid as Bellamy's character arc this season.

The episode aired less than two weeks ago…

It's a triplet. Half good half bad Bayton.

Why not 74%?

Actually they were into it, and it has been mentioned earlier this season.

As if people remembered the episodes "titles"…

The explanation of the pink bear was not worth the way.

I can't wait for Mendehlson to inexplicability play Danny's son.