Evil Kiwi

I hope the pilot leaks during the summer, just like Flash last year.

How awesome is the Legends of Tomorrow trailer?!?

Well, she is in the Magic Hot Tub in the (great) trailer for Legends of Tomorrow. I was with you until then!

Thea wore the suit so much better.
I kind of wondered all season what was not working with the red suit, if it was that ParkourArrow was too short or something, but not. It was just completely the wrong person inside the suit.

That seem more and more probable, yes.
I hope they have a good russian mafia there.

The cops were waiting to see which dark figure would win before shooting the victor.
Classic cop humor!

Why exactly didn't Ra and Oliver need to fight topless?
I thought it was an ancestral CW tradition!

And I'll be dead!

That would be so unethical!

It's the correct order in the sense that this episode takes place before the Arrow finale, but not much else.

Too bad Ollive and Ronnie had to leave so fast for their… stuff.

They are paid till the end of the month.
Wells was!a good boss.

Except that Oliver lives to be 86.

And how did Barry reached him, exactly?
Because he did call Lyla, who was kidnapped at the time, and still managed to get a plane for the Rogues to crash.

Family reunion they had to get to.

He meant to say "Courtesy of my good friend, Ted Kord" but got the two mixed up.
Not his fault.

All his friends are dead, he has all the time in the World for dramatic entrances!

Yeah, sure. In that case, point to the Canadian show, which aired in january when the Charlie Hebdo thing actually happened.

And Michael Che has denied it.

Busy making Tony Stark with Howard Stark.