I was thrilled and amused by Iceage's fuck you set. They're playing at a tiny bar here tomorrow night and I can't wait to see what that's like and if they continue to have technical difficulties. Also seriously are they 16 or what.
I was thrilled and amused by Iceage's fuck you set. They're playing at a tiny bar here tomorrow night and I can't wait to see what that's like and if they continue to have technical difficulties. Also seriously are they 16 or what.
I just mentally wrote some fanfic in which Anderson Cooper and Matt Bomer fall in love.
I just mentally wrote some fanfic in which Anderson Cooper and Matt Bomer fall in love.
Agreed. I was always staring at Bomer in the background of any given scene. But admittedly, I found Pettyfer captivating. I went for Bomer and C-Tates, but good god, ya'll, Alex Pettyfer did it for me.
Agreed. I was always staring at Bomer in the background of any given scene. But admittedly, I found Pettyfer captivating. I went for Bomer and C-Tates, but good god, ya'll, Alex Pettyfer did it for me.
I just had a coworker complain that it was boring when they weren't dancing.
I just had a coworker complain that it was boring when they weren't dancing.
MAGIC MIKE was fucking great.
MAGIC MIKE was fucking great.
You know what can defeat Mack trucks? Guns. He needs some guns. Or to make a movie about guns. Maybe called "Gun".
You know what can defeat Mack trucks? Guns. He needs some guns. Or to make a movie about guns. Maybe called "Gun".
The Book Thief The Book Thief The Book Thief The Book Thief
The Book Thief The Book Thief The Book Thief The Book Thief
I'm still battling with this. I didn't see The Avengers in 3D but I did go out of my way to see Hugo and Prometheus in 3D. I guess I was being unduly snobbish?
I'm still battling with this. I didn't see The Avengers in 3D but I did go out of my way to see Hugo and Prometheus in 3D. I guess I was being unduly snobbish?
I can't say I jumped for joy, but she certainly pushed my tolerance for "complicated and unlikeable". Also her arc and its conclusion are so utterly shocking that I still never know how to feel about it, exactly.
I can't say I jumped for joy, but she certainly pushed my tolerance for "complicated and unlikeable". Also her arc and its conclusion are so utterly shocking that I still never know how to feel about it, exactly.
Favorite part: the one dude (Jacob?) didn't know Oregon was in the west.
Favorite part: the one dude (Jacob?) didn't know Oregon was in the west.
I feel like I consistently see the same type of comments on these FOC's, stating that whatever was being analyzed was obvious and/or pointless. I usually love the FOC's, sometimes for nothing else than having someone state vague thoughts or connections I've already made in a much better, more concise way than I ever…