Captain Apathy

But that was true for the 10th Doctor, not the 11th.  Sure, he will remember her, but he's a different man from the 10th, so there's no reason the relationship between him and Rose is the same as it was for the 10th.

"The Eleventh Doctor’s swan song will be preceded by November 23’s 50th anniversary special, which costars Tennant, Billie Piper as returning companion Rose Tyler, and John Hurt as some mysterious figure."

I actually like this practice better than them bringing in some high profile actor, because I like seeing new actors I have never even heard of before.  And after awhile, it gets old seeing one or two big actors playing all the juicy roles.

Adrian Lester?

I could see Chiwetel Ejiofor in the role, easily.

All those words look like some jumble Text Twist would spit out for me to decipher (seriously: sorites —> stories).  The only word I recognize is appoggiatura.

He's always just out of reach, too.  How frustrating!

Well, even I find it hard to follow the Path of Apathy all the time.  That's why I'm only a captain and not a general.

Cell phones are still my biggest irritation at theaters.  There could be the most intense action scene going on up on the big screen, and yet one cell phone flashing brightly through the dark theater is enough to take me right out of the moment and back into reality.  No, I'm not out in deep space following some

Your whole life has led up to this moment.  A moment of fate, of destiny.  A moment when you can right the wrongs of so many years of trailers that run 30 seconds too long.  So be strong, and make your stand.

That is such a pet peeve of mine, mainly from long years of having to put up with my mother doing that exact thing.  I'm not going to explain to you everything that happens onscreen.  And I really, truly don't care about the life story, love interests, and previous roles of whatever actor is playing the main

I just find it amusing that McFarland originally got upset with the show for putting too much emphasis on the revelation and not making it a quick throwaway reveal, yet now he is upset that there isn't emphasis enough and we are not wallowing in it.

I wish I could like these posts a few more times.

The hardcover version is, or was last time I checked.  I don't mind buying a new softcover, but I love to get all my favorite books in hardcover.  I'm weird that way.

@avclub-7e1ce4ce3124fd9ecc13a151afcff11b:disqus : It was clear to me because I read the book, but I don't remember it ever actually being mentioned in the movie.  Do you know when it was?

Yes, exactly.  This is probably the #1 reason I don't watch a lot of dubs.  Even if the dialogue flows well by itself, it's over as soon as they mispronounce a name they could have easily learned how to say by listening to the original version.

I agree partially.  It can be distracting.  But I think the more subtitles you watch, the easier it becomes to catch a quick glimpse of the words before turning your full attention on the action.

The only thing that always catches me is when the dub includes the original Japanese names.  More than half the time, it seems like the voice actor can't pronounce the Japanese name, so it comes out sounding awkward and strange.  Regardless of how smooth the dialogue is the rest of the time, those names are like huge

I do too, to the point where my poor copy is worn and the binding is loosening up.  But when I tried to find a hardcover copy, I learned to my severe disappointment that it is out-of-print.  Who lets a book like that fall out-of-print?!

It might have been easier to adapt because I seem to remember it had a more linear plot.  Howl's Moving Castle felt a bit more "slice of life" in comparison.