I was actually looking forward to Sherlock being forced to run those mysterious "errands" for his dad. I was starting to imagine some interesting twists. But considering Sherlock didn't need the money after all, I guess all that is scrapped.
I was actually looking forward to Sherlock being forced to run those mysterious "errands" for his dad. I was starting to imagine some interesting twists. But considering Sherlock didn't need the money after all, I guess all that is scrapped.
As someone who shares Sherlock's particular view of Twitter, I was delighted to have my opinion reinforced by a fictional TV character.
Yeah, for the first time in this series I had a hard time following the motivation of the bad guy. Some other episodes have been convoluted, but at least they felt explained to some extent I could understand, unlike this one. Was the guy a crooked DEA agent looking to get some funds on the side by targeting Rhys?…
Yeah, when I was growing up all the Lego people had those inoffensive smiles with the blank deer-in-the-headlight eyes, not actual expressions. It made it difficult to play even those good old-fashioned bad guys vs. good guys stories, since everyone was smiling rather vacuously at each other in the midst of life and…
@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus The reason everything was bipartisan back then wasn’t because people were inherently more reasonable or willing to put aside their differences (they weren’t), but because the political parties hadn’t sorted themselves out on ideological lines.
@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus The reason everything was bipartisan back then wasn’t because people were inherently more reasonable or willing to put aside their differences (they weren’t), but because the political parties hadn’t sorted themselves out on ideological lines.
@avclub-b0cf188d74589db9b23d5d277238a929:disqus Something about a moose and an interspace toothbrush?
I'm not so much perturbed at what the Dowager did and why, because I understand her reasons. I do wish that they could have resolved the situation with some kind of character development from Robert. I wanted him to recognize the fact that he can make mistakes too, which realization might have led him to be more…
My mind read an extra "e" into the "Wok WM," so the mental image I had was of people dressed as oversized Ewoks luging and bobsledding to victory. That image definitely had entertainment value too.
I'm no grammarian but I see three. But I believe it is the numerous factual errors that will negate the merit. It is alright, though, since that has never impeded the spread of POVs in the past, so never fear. Your message will still make it out there.
True, and I didn't really expect sports analysis. But I still found the article amusing.
Well, I still didn't like the farmer ad, but I like your point about the lack of sappy music.
I was kind of surprised they liked it so much too, but not for your reasons. I could have sworn I've seen this kind of commercial before. Or at least, the "still photos over an old radio clip quote" method has been used before. Where I've seen it before, I can't remember, but I know I have. The concept did not…
I'd agree with @avclub-ce7da3812ed2a993e2194cd75e94b18b:disqus . I would be shocked if Sherlock with his overactive perceptive abilities didn't pick out the continuity errors.
I was disappointed that plot was cleaned up so quickly. I also don't agree with the decision to sacrifice truth for the sake of repairing their marriage, although I understand the Dowager's reasons. Granted, Dr. Clarkson wasn't lying per se, but he was definitely fudging the truth, and the last thing Lord Grantham…
True about the lie; I forgot that. My point still stands that he is extremely comfortable talking about sex.
I like that we judge sports events by reality TV standards now. "I liked the Two Brothers Battle It Out plot, but it was never really fleshed out properly, and we never found out the resolution to the Lewis murder-and-drugs subplot. And the editing was rubbish! Why were there no flashbacks to that time when Lil Bro…
And yet you imply that you've watched this show more than once, as you say you have commented on it more than once. Do I hear the tinny voice of procedural love in the background, being drowned out by your pretentious denials?
He might have, just to see her reaction. This is, after all, a Holmes who blithely spoke about how he felt about sex to Watson barely a minute after meeting her, and on at least one occasion asked a suspect directly and very bluntly about the suspect's sexual relations.
Joan's logic for giving up the apartment—the fact that she wasn't being paid and therefore might struggle to keep it to begin with