
Actually, there was one that had a title like "exile" or something. The concept was you drop the kids into a wildly different culture and have them go through their rite of passage into adulthood. Pretty cool idea, but I only saw one so I'm not sure it took.

The reason I love this show (other than the sheer pleasure of watching all this beautiful dance) is that its a reality competition where winning the top prize doesn't really seem to matter that much. The prize is money, I think? But really the show makes it pretty clear that if you make it in the top ten you're in

You're gonna try to convince me THAT was choreographed?!

"Okay, I have slightly less to worry about"

Yeah, the best parts were probably the cuts to the other stars (or just people I recognized) who looked really really bored. Rihanna's sitting there thinking "if this is the competition I have nothing to worry about"

She can strip all she likes, but someone please make her stop sticking her tongue out like that, she looks ridiculous.

That's my crazy prediction of the moment too. Jesse has to kill Walt's son accidentally.

On one hand yes, it was thrilling to watch Jesse actually strike out against Walt (and I think I was a little more excited by his "please stop working me" speech than the gasoline thing which I actually thought was a bit cheesy) but I wanted him to get in that car and be able to get the hell out much more.

*sits down* You can start with me. I know nothing, haven't even seen the trailers yet. I only know that something called that is happening because podcasts I like were talking about things at Comic-Con that made people excited. Apparently there's a space raccoon….

I keep hearing some version of that sentiment "No one's watching a Batman movie for Bruce Wayne" and I've come to the conclusion that I've been watching them differently from every one else because I really haven't been watching them for Batman. At least not the Nolan movies where Batman is a ridiculous suit with an

Since you mention him didn't the reaction to RDJ being cast as Tony Stark sound a lot like how people are reacting here? Especially since Iron Man is this the thing that remade him a big name that could put butts in seats? 

Like the strip club scene in Xmen: First Class. So close. Damn PG13 rating.

The "after Kurt Kobain died" is the least creepy thing about that anecdote

@avclub-6beb5f589a9fd04c21fcd50db3d9c80c:disqus since you brought her up and I was gonna ask this down here anyway, where do I start if I want to get into Bjork?

Paranoia is the other one that threw me. Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman, Thor's little brother and I had no idea that movie was happening until it's opening weekend and am still not sure what's it about.

I feel like this August has a higher than usual number of "I have no idea where that movie came from"

That's what I thought about The Owls of the Guardians:Rise of Ga'hoole

He has good taste in scripts and I find him attractive! 

I refer you to the above picture.

Really? I just got home from work, what did I miss?