
I honestly didn't know whether the Borg were invented for TNG or the original series, which I haven't seen all of.

I'm sure this has already been answered/fought about but, do the Borg predate the Cybermen, or the other way around?

Strong agreement!

Yeah, when I read the words Iron Man sex tape, I did not assume this story would be about Pepper Potts

And after Don described his pitch "It's just faces of wonder and we won't even show the car!" I thought to myself: remember those first Infiniti ads that didn't show the car, just Jonathan Pryce talking vaguely about the car? Remember how it was annoying/hilarious?

I think Don does hate Herb partially on Joan's behalf and feels like he's made several attempts to "save" her from him, like telling her she didn't have to go through with it after she already had, leaving the room and not dignifying it with a response rather than talking to her about it and staying in the room to

Its pretty impossible to gauge what each audience member will feel in these cases. I found the "Earshot" episode of Buffy to be incredible comforting (because it was written that way) and was taken completely off guard by a random showing of Armageddon not long after 9/11 because there's that early one shot of one of

Do we ever get an explanation on why he refers to his mother as Trix? That always weirded me out.

Not just me, then? Good. No that's certainly not the main reaction because it was horrific and tense and really well done and she was crawling away and couldn't scream and…eaughhyihck. But Dancy is very nice looking and his switch into someone a lot less twitchy and sad than his Will Graham…kinda hot for a few non eye

Seems like as good of a time as any to throw a Quantum Leap recommendation.

I stand corrected

Moffat did Coupling?!

But, bigger awards than the 4th annual advertising club have been postponed before. Because of wars, and assassinations. I'm remembering the Emmys being pushed back because of 9/11

Really? I kinda hated this in comparison with "The Grown Ups" And I appreciate Bobby getting his own story and that Don is very detached all the time, but his monologue about pretending to love his kids (or just Bobby?since I don't think they've really met yet) doesn't really line up in my mind with how we've seen him

The fact that Dr Dastardly just compared him to Al Pacino and that didn't seem like that unusual to me makes me really worried about what late period DiCaprio will look like. Because, I enjoy watching him, I really do, but I haven't seen him not ACTING as hard as he possibly can in about a decade and this movie was

I know it was probably more about not paying for the Old Spice plug, by I love how dismissive and vague that is: "something with a ship on the bottle"

@avclub-ba543c98ebb0f0e5cbc7f9eb475349bc:disqus Not having read Hannibal, only seen (and mostly liked) the movie I'm not in the least surprised that a substantial part of the Verger storyline was left out, that character just seemed so undercooked to me. He's just there to taunt Clarice with horrific things Lecter had

The suits!

Yeah, I wanted to love Awake, I really did and I stayed with it til the end (loooove Jason Isaacs) but was very disappointed when it turned into a pretty basic cop show.

Also, I'm never not gonna cry at "I love you" "No you don't, but thanks for saying it"