I wasn't saying he would be worse, just that he's completely in over his head, and she obviously has some serious scar tissue.
I wasn't saying he would be worse, just that he's completely in over his head, and she obviously has some serious scar tissue.
The kid in Mummy 2 isn't that bad. I don't think he does anything specifically heroic but at least comes off as pretty smart, and isn't whiny. Bratty, yes.
I always walk away from Sweeney Todd feeling much worse about Joanna than I do for Toby (which doesn't make sense, I know. maybe because her terrible life is a bit more under the surface) just because of that last scene where her essential stalker rescues her from Turpin and she basically says "So you think I'm…
Speaking of Eckhart, finding out the guy in Thank You For Smoking was the same as the boyfriend in Erin Brockovich was pretty shocking I must say.
I think he's probably all out of the really big flops that everyone knows about that took down entire studios with them.
You know
I'm not in love with throwback Pepsi, but love the Mexican made Coke that has natural sugar. Still Tastes like Coke and makes my teeth slightly grimy.
Every time I watch a trailer for a Vin Diesel movie (that's not Fast&Furiousy) I think "They really have no clue what to do with this guy, do they?" Thus it's an interesting career to follow.
And really, that's what they pick for a deglammed Johnny Depp role?! Because I think Ed Wood did the best job. I deeply agree with whoever said that the only way to make Johnny unsexy is to put him in a cashmere sweater.
Oh God
I told it I loved It Happened One Night and it said I would probably enjoy Night and Fog, the Holocaust documentary I had to watch in 8th grade history class.
For the first time in my life
I actually did the "watch a show for the will they wont they couple and then immedeatly stop watching three episodes after they finally sleep together thing" I am ashamed.
Hey, I love Where the Heart Is! Anyway, for the most part their beauty didn't bother me (because the "pretty people have inherently perfect successful lives" theory is a weird undiscussed class system thing that bugs the hell out of me) but the one thing that makes me roll my eyes everytime I watch it is when Ashley…
Loooove Beneath You
Nothing better to me than a good Spike monologue and this one was definitely the best.
I hadn't thought of that until you brought it up but considering how vaguely it's handled (and all the common implications of a group of males teaming up to teach a girl a lesson) vs how specifically descibed the actual violence has been, it makes a queasy kind of sense.
Yeah incoming Fangirl nitpick: I don't remember that in the book, and I dissaprove of the fact that he called him Tom. I like how during the expositional monologue of "why I can kill you now" he calls him Riddle, like he was Draco Malfoy or something.
"I am not a gun"
Tropic Thunder
I'd totally watch "Satan's Alley"
Well good
The second part had things to get kinda excited about. The drama's I mean. I don't know why but very few of the traditional big summer types are grabbing me this year.
Preist, I really want to see Preist. Just for Paul Bettany. I'm not sure why he's being turned into an action hero (maybe because I'm the only one who loved Wimbeldon) But I'll go along with it.