
So, I guess the answer to my question was "No"? And it in fact gets worse? Not that it really matters, I only had HBO for the weekend.

The nudity is to be expected. HBO and all. But please tell me that the sexual energy in this show gets less rapey at some point? When the least creepy parts involve Peter Dinklage and multiple prostitutes or a 13 year old girl who really hopes she can get married right the hell now, you've got problems.

is a good idea

Based on the movies, it didn't seem that Stark Industries could be doing that well either.

Why would Carlisle be that rich? Isn't he just an ER doc in a small town?

I think Wash's death gets brought up more because it's more Whedonesque. I.E. He's in a functional romantic relationship. He must die.

We get The Hub (just showed up one day) so I can occcasionally watch Wonder Years, and Doogie Howser and Fraggle Rock if the mood strikes. It's a cute little channel.

It's funny in small doses, until you realize how much he sounds like McCarthy and that there are people who listen to and believe him. Then it's just scary/sad/rage inducing

Generally, she puts the really "beige" things to the far right.

Also that was some bad kid acting.

That was awesome, OP

Because you know what we didn't have? Goegeous buildings and diversity of architecture.

that was heartbreaking. But not in the way I expected. I assumed it was going to end with him losing badly. Like he gets knocked out and thats the end of the series. Lights Out and all that. Their ending was better than the one I predicted. Though that slow clap was one step too far for me too. I can't take

I started
to read Season 8, and was mildly entertained, but then I started to get really annoyed. One of the best things about the finale was the look on Buffy's face when Faith asked her how it felt knowing saving the world wasn't completely on her shoulders anymore, and she could just be a normal person. The comic

Nikki Reed was the one in Thirteen. She wrote it too.

I've kinda asumed that we were already to the point of character actors as the new star. Unless you only watch movies from May to August (and there are alot of exceptions in those months too) there's seems to be alot more fluidity to the types of people that studios think can play a leading role.

Funny thing
I saw Dairy of a wimpy kid this weekend, sucker punch was playing right next to us. I was walking out of the theatre and these two little boys were walking out next to me. One of them looked at the title and said "Why would I watch Sucker Punch? I bet that's all that happens in it"

I think I missed it
I've been fearing this movie because of the way people talk it up as so terrifying. I finally watched it (the original which might have been a mistake , I think the subtitles gave it a distance that spoiled the illusion) and I didn't feel terrified, or scared, uneasy or mad at the director for

Confession: I enjoyed The Time Machine. Mostly because of the way it looked.

He does have good awards bait intuition, it seems.