
nope, sorry
"Archie may complain about blacks, gays, Jews, and hippies all day and night, but he's also worried about his wife and daughter, paying the bills, and staying alive—just like any of the rest of us"

I also fondly remember Action, and he was good in Jerry Maguire.

I'm on the one DVD at a time plan
So I'm giving them a dollar more a month….I think I'll survive. I like the DVDs

I'm "streaming" to my TV right now by hooking my laptop directly to the TV with two cords, one for audio and one for picture. Cords we had lying around. Still can't believe that worked…

Any chance of me liking this if I hated Bonnie and Clyde with the fire of 5 suns? Because I watched Heaven can Wait last night and discovered that I don't always hate Warren Beatty.

That girl looks so much like Gemma Arterton, especially in that screenshot.

Who is voicing most of the Pure Michigan ads? At first I thought it was Tim Allen, but it doesn't sound as much like him now.

So if The New World wasn't his cup of tea (he's wonderful in that, by the way) what was his take on Avatar?

Agree, Cookie Monster, you can't convince me that Heathers and Pump up the Volume aren't the same character at different points in time.

Seriously?! I learn so much here…

Good luck
with this, Warner Brothers. Enjoy having no fan support at all.

No…just…no. You be quiet now, Geddy

I have yet to see this bland action figure you speak of.

I assume…
"his romance with…betrothed daughter of a Japanese crime lord, which goes about as well as you'd expect from romancing the betrothed daughter of a Japanese crime lord—namely, lots of samurai fighting with the would-be in-laws and plenty of moral hand-wringing"

Outsider opinion/inquiry here. I haven't seen Funny Games yet (it's way down in the queue, because I'm scared) is it going to scare me and provoke deep thoughts about my cinematic bloodlust (meaning that I enjoy a good fight scene and don't mind blood and light gore in that context) or am I just going to sit there

So, who exactly is the eternal optimist whose still overpaying Tom Cruise?!

For people who have been huge names for a couple of decades, you're talking Brad, Leo, Johnny and Julia basically

She would really like you to forget about Candy, by the way. And she's so amazing in American Dreamz!

My appreciation for her is the same, I kinda think of her first as an actress, based on 9 to 5 and Steel Magnolias. Same thing with Cher too because I saw Mermaids waaaay before I heard any of her music, and Moonstruck is infinitely more entertaining than any song of hers I've ever heard.

No…but I wasn't watching CNN. I was on CBS and MSNBC..which, I swear played a couple of bars of the Olympic theme.