

This is a hard question and probably not one that Wilco fans want to confront… but if I can be biased I would say the Important Wilco albums are better than the Important Weezer albums and there are 4 of the former and only 2 of the latter. And, biased opinion of course, the duller autopilot Wilco albums have a higher

you moron…. like, pour more on me


Can a flying car run you over?

yeah but have we stopped to really consider that women do be shopping?

Good luck with my cat! He's a real asshole! Anyway! Bye!

alright, well, bye! [waves]

god bless you for this

never heard of it

I pass by a DME store every day to work that has a big LED sign on it that always says "ADULT DIAPERS HERE!!!" I mean its not the same but it works

one time there was this really drunk dude at a coffee shop at 8am and held the door open for a lady and he called her sir, then after being corrected ranted at all of us/no one about how this is whats wrong with America today you can't tell what anyone is anymore

also tomorrow has to be a review for Painted Ruins right? with the opening paragraph bringing in Dave Longstreth's rant about indie in 2009?

jesus I think I would die of secondhand embarrassment seeing that happen

He told me they were because someone had won some game or something and I think I was also in the process of walking to where the burritos came from… but it was still too weird and I'm for some reason really shy about people giving me food anyway

maybe she can finally end this G.U.Y.'s career

Someone once offered me a free burrito on the street because they had extra (like a whole messenger bag full of em)… it was weird and I was too afraid to say yes

Its because she's showing us her teeth, her teetha teetha teeth

There's something real beautiful to this. The original comment being weirdly aggressive and pointless just to have the principle player's name be their actual name