
Tell me what you like

fuck there you are

that is a good song

You're missing the best fuck song and the best summer song and (maybe) the best song: Lambchop - Your Fucking Sunny Day

well, if you insist…

that giant shark she drew

Oh an actual negative that I will inflict on you - every time Gaiman comes up I get Coin Operated Boy in my head all day, so, now you will as well

You're missing your wallet, but, I've just happened to have found it…

Hmm yeah that opening sentence describes me

I dunno about you but I would call that dude anything he wanted me to call him in bed

No she's the one that is made Pure and Worthy because she was raped

[sings along to the end of She's a Jar maybe a little too loudly]

I'd like to thank you all for buying
buying this song

It's pay what you want so you can spend three dollars and sixty three cents

I haven't been able to follow them too well the first time I listen to them either (I think the first go through I'm just in awe of it happening), so I just take in the songs. Then I give them another listen and start to follow and enjoy the songs even more… which is kind of how I listen to musicals anyway. I'm a

[long, sincere explanation offered]

yeah but twist: Lily was the worst

After it ended, even though I liked the finale and the last season, I was so burnt out on it for how long I had been obligation watching it (pretty much from whenever Zoe came on) that I just had no interest in going back to it. But.. once I did on a whim and those first 4 and a half seasons (loses steam pretty much

Yeah I'm not going to call it perfect by any means, but, it did what it needed to do to make the rest of the series that came before it make sense and it felt satisfying enough to me.

I just want this project to die so there's no more articles about it and I don't have to keep debating with myself if its worth saying "the finale is good tho"