
"I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me…"

go on…

Passenger is a bad singer-songwriter, a bad U2 side project and a bad movie we should all aspire to be more than just along for someone else's ride



With great power comes great responsibility vis-a-vis this light switch - turn off the dark

I have no interest in seeing this movie unless there is a fight scene in it scored with a Shonen Knife song

Gray? Mine would be a nauseating yellowish in probably a day

Shit. I just lost the game

Heh whoops, I had a second part I meant to erase all the way. In the end my ex who loved the band took Snacks when he moved out so it was probably for the best

I mean, my mom does this to my wrist tattoo and I think it's weird as hell even then, I don't know what I would do if a stranger did it to me…

well! I guess it depends how much just straight up licking is usually incorporated into your usual play - for me not a lot in non-traditionally sexual zones. So it's a fun excuse to run your tongue down someones wrist or arm when you normally wouldn't. And, I dunno, I find it pretty hot to zero in on it while you're

licking a tattoo, consensually of course, is real fucking hot tho

hmm thought this was a weird confusing Swift for Vanessa Carlton joke and I have no idea why I thought that, but that song is White Houses… anyway, I don't actually know why I'm typing this

fuck the Mets forever

It was cute as hell! He looked just like my actual cat that it would freak him out when I put Snacks in front of him but

I'm digging it, if you're gonna borrow a sound borrowing it from Purity Ring doesn't hurt.

you're my favorite punner, pal

I think I saw it in the best circumstances the first time, on Adult Swim one night at 1 am while I was in an irc chat with other people watching it who were equally clueless (it was before it was completely meme'd to death)

give him the stick