
The answer is Camp Cope everyone listen to Camp Cope, Camp Cope is the best

Baths is so damn good

stay out of it nick lachey

fuckin iphone 7 man, ruining my life with this lightning jack

I left my headphones at home this morning and I'm grumpy

no you fucking idiot

wow so meme. much dank. very avclub?

I'm very sorry for how often your passwords must be about boring indie bands and or analingus

Yeah I really like their work but it can be way too heavy at times. Like it's a challenge to make a song that will make me cry more than the last - which, hey, good luck ever topping Alone / With You because that song hurts me in my bones

write it out here so you don't forget

Yeah I don't really know what line I'm trying to draw or anything. I like a lot of Sunset Rubdown, but usually in bits and pieces. But if I'm counting his work in Wolf Parade as well he probably jumps to the top - then again I'd have to count Bejar's work in the Pornos and, well then it's tricky.

Just gave Burn it Down a listen and it's pretty rad.

How much of Heartbreaking Bravery is Krug and how much is Sinaii? I really don't actually know what that arrangement is honestly - I want to say confidently that Krug is the one for me without a truly classic (solo) album (Mercer has one, Bejar two for me) but Heartbreaking Bravery is the one that gives me pause

I've been listening to this new People Like You a lot, like way more than I would have expected. It's got some major issues but when it clicks it really clicks for me.

If I'm comparing all of their best work together: Streethawk: a Seduction, Golden River and… hm, maybe Heartbreaking Bravery (I'm excluding WP obviously) I'd put Krug as the weak link.

Aw yeah new Daughter can't wait to want to die :)

This song is such a complete Purity Ring rip off but… it kind of rules hard

Heads? In my ass snowflake!?

everyone gets there on their own and its a revelation every time

oh, uh… huh.