
lol I wanted to get here first

Ooh insurance company burns, now's my chance to shine


or or [ICP reference]aroo

stay where

yeah but the temptation to make it nicer would be there

That's a wet ass hot pocket man

Nah. You're invested in them because they're fans who aren't maybe telling you as clearly as I am that I don't need your validation or validate you to be a fan. You're just looking for someone to concede her artifice to justify your own reasons for disliking her - forgetting that no one really owes you that.

Yeah, but again what you're saying is "I don't like Lana for these reason and I won't be satisfied until everyone agrees with me"

Sorry to tell an old man to grow up, but, what you're really saying is "I don't like Lana for these reasons and I won't be satisfied until everyone agrees with me" so… grow up?

But… it appears they have? The one having issues appears to be you.

But he's ripped now! And married! And an adult! I just don't know what he has to be sad about!!

I think it is also slightly worth noting that Lana has never had a hit song that wasn't a remix. The idea that she sold out to appeal to everyone is a little off.

For criticism one: It's funny that music is seen as both the most disposable medium and the most demanding of honesty from its audience. Especially solo artists, and, especially female ones. But, I think it's changed a lot since her first album was released… Lana may be a character for her but its one she commits to

I definitely agree that people have been a little more forgiving of it than I have in the years since. But you hit it right what's wrong with the twists: they just happen and no one is really around to see (lol) them happen so what's the point?

a mispelling of his name and a shoehorned fight club reference??? I'm getting the vapors…

Sounds like the thing wrong with them is that they don't hate life and know how to enjoy themselves!

I dunno seems like a bad verb to use ha ha ok thats not pleasant sorry