
It is really weird to see her like that, even though I knew it was her completely I still had to do a quick imdb confirmation just to make sure before I posted it so I wouldn't embarrass myself.

I've never seen it, I would probably only watch it just to talk about it with someone - my family watches it but they do it out of obligation/love for Jess mostly.

For as much as I love Logan I definitely agree with this… it didn't make sense that Rory would forgive him and his accident was just a dumb way to get her to put it aside from a plot standpoint.

He has the stache for it at least.

He's the only one that sees Rory for who she really is and not the image she buys in to or the image everyone else has of her. He's pretty honest with her about everything. He encourages her growth as a person and in her career… his biggest flaws are the cheating (but Rory forgave him) and whatever garbage happened to

I mean, Rory probably got him on the path of at least seeing value in himself and cleaning up his shit, so I could see how he would still have a "what-if" feeling towards her… but I would have to imagine that would go away after spending five minutes with adult Rory.

Yeah but look at who fell for her. A personality-less, emotional anchor in Dean. A troubled teen that fell for someone who took him seriously when he couldn't in Jess. Dorky college kid getting strung along with no real closure in Marty. And… well, I'm forever a Logan defender and I think those two made sense both in

It's alright, new yorkers are secretly jealous of tourists who are allowed to take in the things that they are not allowed to. Secretly wishing one of their mom's friends will come from out of town and need a guide - when it happens they'll catch themselves excited for a moment before rolling their eyes, tweeting

I'm not a fan of Digger either, but, the take on him at the start of this is real weird… Both his dad and Richard fuck him over pretty thoroughly and seemingly for no reason than (at least for Digger's dad, not that Richard seems broken up about it) destroying Digger's future.

It brings me great joy to show my millennial cred and be a turd on the internet so: it was Woo

Chill out, what you yellin' for?



the 3rd planet is sure that they're being watched, by an eye in the sky that can't be stopped


A good example of this is (sorry to keep obsessing over this album)… how good the new Waxahatchee album is (it's good!) and how great the demo version of the album is (its amazing)

a blond bear just really does it for me


I am weirdly attracted to this man