
Yeah I don't know what it is about Zodiac but despite its length and deliberate pacing, I can happily watch it pretty much any time and still get sucked in to all of it.

I've got two of album art, two ghosts (well a ghost and a ghost pokemon) and a book cover I'm ~diverse~

Yeah I'm not sure! I may end up getting another one at the end of the month with a friend and so I gotta start pushing around in my brain the things I would like on my body forever

I haven't seen deleted scenes, but, I've never gotten why everyone seems to assume the story takes place the day after Tracy's funeral

I was thinking I kind of really want to get a tattoo of a green olive with a pimento in it but I really don't like colors in my tattoos so I don't know if it would just end up looking like a boob

That was very hard to read (and did not see your note about the caps), but, I agree with it overall. It doesn't take my usual approach to the finale but its pretty in line with how I see it and my own personal beliefs about love.

Yeah why not, they deserve love too after I'm gone.

I cried the first time I watched it because of Anya

I cried just the other day at the trailer for that Ghost Story movie, I don't know why. I know I sure as hell have a real low bar.

I'll defend the HIMYM finale to the death

I'm going to burn so many bridges buuuut

Nelson Cruz?

I only half jokingly had a conversation with someone the other day about "well if I'm 45 and single lets just get married…"

Also, now that I am 30, I want to mourn the loss of not being able to use one of my favorite scrubs exchanges:
"You're closer to 40 than you are 30" "JD I'm 29"

what do you think the best internet meme to reference during sex would be? "here come dat boi"?

One time at Starbucks I saw this dude that had sent me a bunch of (unsolicited) dick pics sitting there drinking coffee and I started laughing a lot, it was a very odd experience.

shaking him like a beach towel

hey number one

Yah but we're depressed as shit and she's good

So, so, so excited for this