
Not a better place to toss this unrelated comment but good fuck Camp Cope were fantastic

It's never weird to listen to a lot of modest mouse

And no one keeps a cow for a pet

I just finished it while cleaning it's pretty wonderful but now it's time to embrace day drinking and making innuendos at hot dogs and not listening to Sufjan enjoy the 4th

would highly recommend the version on the live album! It's still a bummer until the exact moment where death is a party we're all eventually invited to 🦑

I think you know those are not mutually exclusive!

Is that what you learned from the Tillamook Burn and/or the Fourth of July?

We're all gonna die, we're all gonna die, we're all gonna die, we're all gonna die, we're all gonna die…


my bodies made of crushed little oreos

Nah that shit sucks and if anything it's ruined cherry coke because now it's not cherry coke it's coke wth cherry in it instead of cherry coke which is what I wanted when I selected cherry coke

that puppet from Weinerville?

I will accept these in lieu of financial or confidence-boosting assistance

but I have very little money and very little self-esteem I am a disaster send help

Same… please don't judge, but, I own the Hounds of Love on vinyl cd and cassette and I wanted to play them all at once and the tape deck mysteriously no longer working really ruined everything but I guess now I can use that casette as just another knickknack decoration for my house

isn't it shitty how these dumb throwaway things gain so much power over us the longer we let them sit alone? I have a sticker set of the Mighty Boosh that I've had for probably ten years now with none of the stickers used because I don't want to waste them…

oh yeah I mean there was a lot of porn near the cassingle too, it was like someone cleaned out their old room and had a trashbag from 2002 that they just tossed in the woods and it broke open

I still regret the shitty job I did with my stickers for the information :(

When I first started my collection I was buying anything that excited me to see on vinyl, but then the crate started to fill up and I realized I wasn't listening to them all that much so I just try and get whatever my favorites of the year were.