

I predict opening weekend: a million dollars!

Popular band and website that have both been popular for at least a solid decade

All three were pretty important to me when I was 17!

Hmm… gb2gbs

There's no such thing as an unflattering picture of Deerhoof

Heh. Cock. Uh

Begging for Thread is pretty good too

Yeah but 212 is still the greatest song ever made

We all know art is hard when we don't know who we are

Sometimes I'll say "dat clue do" out loud as if it's actually a thing and get disappointed that it isn't

Mike jones


You were trained by the mr. miyagi?

This… is awful, why

I fucking love Wonder truthers it's one of the dumbest conspiracy theories out there next to Avril Lavigne and i can't help myself

If it was to keep comey honest then… uh… what did you accomplish in your favor?

Jeff Rosenstock who I fucking love now and I think they're called gobbinjr?

Helllllll yeah