
That song Insistor by Tapes 'n Tapes was pretty cool back in the day, I still listen to that album a lot but I actually skip that song most of the times. Mostly because I don't know what the fuck he is saying to Kelly, but, I dunno what weird "western style" guitar in it kind of bugs me now.

She likes to joke I've choked the life out of her and she's just a shell of a woman. I laugh, and laugh. I like to call her Shelly.

I didn't want to let you down. I didn't even want to click this article - it's late, I'm having a weird night so I was bored. Then I saw a Radiohead article and said: "well, might as well scroll through and find it" anyway:


It's an odd beast. The people that love it FUCKING LOVE IT I'll only check it out if someone interests me or if a friend of mine gives me the ok that it's not too obnoxious

February 8th, 2016

And that she does not like it when people refer to it as Scott's (I learned this from a mostly bearable episode of Hollywood Handbook)

heh heh… eat a tasty clam


I think the reality is that standup just isn't funny

Yeah what I want from Metroid Prime 4 is… a Metroid game. I want to walk in a random direction and see a wall with a crack in it and remember its there and then walk in the other direction until I eventually find what breaks the wall

I loved backracking through that world in 1 there was enough in it that it never felt tedious


I've said it before, but, I wish I felt as happy about anything in my life as much as he does when he shows that off.

Movie came out in 2002 and Harvey Birdman started in 2000 so maybe "adult hanna barbera" was in the air

oh hey

"That accents idiotic"

Finally someone is brave enough to say it

Brace Yourself is a pretty good Les Savy Fav song