
I was put in there just because they had me in double-lock maximum security, and it's the most tedious fucking thing. I can't think of anything more boring. There's a Japanimation cartoon I've been trying to watch on Cartoon Network called Witch Hunter Robin, and that's almost as boring.

this is fair

I mean the real positive is if it actually happens then it will be a TV show forced to hire a corgi to be on screen in every episode, and, in a way that's sort of worth it

hmmm the bebop crew were good at their jobs tho

finally my toxoplasmosis is paying off!

my first Lupos show was the Decemberists touring on picaresque and they made all of us sit down for the end of "chimbley sweep" which I took to assume meant it was time for "mariners revenge song" but it took like everyone 15 minutes to sit down so absolutely nothing came of it

lupos is cool and also I will gladly take that ticket from you

are you having a good time?

last shins album went in some strange directions

I saw them for the first time weirdly at lupos in 2007 with my girlfriend at the time and I am looking forward to regressing back to a teenager

I'm going to that show at lupos in october

the thermals song "I'm gonna change your life" is super sweet but it makes me real fucking sad

I mean that is pretty weird of you to have sideways couches

I'm confused by your distaste for happy music but also music that is too sad - My body's made of crushed little stars is pretty much my anthem lately

I would even say she is Very Good, Actually

this comment was a trap left for someone else, but, I kind of love Danni

on No Cities to love there's this brief moment of I don't know terrible mixing/mic placement on fangless and it drives me fucking nuts every time

what a disasterpiece

one of JDs worst girlfriends

magi' is hella normcore i get it