The Spice Weasel

Hit and Run is a solid game. There can be some frustrations but not enough to take away from all of the jokes packed into the game. I played through part of it again a couple years back and still enjoyed it.

What's so unsanitary about taking a ping pong ball that rolled across the garage floor, through a puddle of oil and antifreeze and came to a stop under the mower; putting it in your mouth and spitting it across the table into someone's beer?

That was only during the first 15 takes. Take 16 is what made it in the show.

I prefer playing with paddles because it involves movement and the ever present specter of drunken injury. Plus it is far more fun to watch. Watching people play Beirut is as much fun as watching kids try to win a goldfish at the fair.

He had what? Two lines? And they were the two most forced lines in the whole series.

Beer pong has become the catch all term, unfortunately. I've read that there are differences between Beirut and throw it in the cup beer pong, but I don't care enough to understand the difference.

Real beer pong involves paddles. I don't care what all the kids call it.

An Oasis reunion tour. It is his silent protest.

I'm guessing the Bioshock/An Rand connection.

I just don't want to see a repeat of the vaudevillian Stormtroopers on Ice that was Return of the Jedi. They were feared in the first two movies. In Jedi they were a punchline.

But does he have the nunchuk coat hanger?

So sorry. Allow me…

I applaud the effort to once again make stormtroopers look menacing. Here's hoping their aim has improved in the interim.

I had no idea NPC's could be so flammable.

China has rapidly developed interests all over Africa, SE Asia, and Latin America in the past decade or so.

Just finished watching the 3 hour tour above. I had forgotten about the heart plug scene completely. Lynch conveys a lot by not showing a lot and letting your brain fill in the blanks.

Yeah, my plans went out the window, too. Sat and watched the whole damn thing.

David Lynch's Jabba's Palace might have been pretty cool. And by cool I mean terrifying.

Doing some wiki diving and read that Richard Jordan (Duncan Idaho) passed away way back in 1993. He was originally cast as Dr. Nichols in the Fugitive but had to withdraw because of his illness.

Agree on the atmosphere comment. Watched it a lot as a kid because it was always on HBO/Showtime.Didn't quite get it the first time through but grew to really enjoy it.