
.. except then it still wasn't actually, you know, funny.

It's great harping on about how important your characters are, but when the actual episode is just the one cliche after the other, it doesn't really matter.

I do. Whereas Scully will be critical of Mulder's ideas, she always keeps her cool and remains rational. Einstein came across as permanently huffy and petulant, like an annoyed teenager.

Darby's outfit is indeed a homage to Kolchak. The episode's script was originally intended for a Nightstalker reboot - that fell through, so Morgan was free to rewrite the script for The X-Files.

I'd like to set fire to The Flaming Lips. Is that ironic? I can't tell anymore.

That second episode is so much better. This episode is a huge pile of meh. Especially when you think of all the stuff they could've done with a festival set up. Having Jackass' least favourite regular cast member Ehren McGhehey as the biker helped a bit, but then The Flaming Lips ruined it, as far as I'm concerned. I

You show respect, even if you disagree..

Ugh, stupid Disqus logged in with my Google account.

You might breed!


You're OUT!!

Exactly. Wait, what?

For me it's Dexter Holland's voice.. I just have no time for it.

Wasn't the guitarist beyond middle age when they started?

I never got into Green Day, personally. It sounded all.. happy, and full of life. There was no place for such vivaciousness in my 16-year old life.

4th of July!

Superunknown still holds up. Sort of.

Bobby Bottleservice?

Keep 'em seperated, RIGHT!??! Oh wait, other shitty song.

I wondered about that, too. I guess he means the band, but who knows with these CEOs.