
I don't want an adaptation! Ever! They're perfect as they are. Why would we ever need a TV show? Seriously, those books more than any other series I can think of are best left in the analog world of malt shops and radio serials.

Yeah, Everworld to me was actually a lot darker than Animorphs, because basically all of the characters lacked a moral compass. The one where they went to hell was particularly intense. The first book actually came out with a promo "soundtrack to Everworld" CD that I loved. I can still hear the whole thing in my head.

God, all of those were fucking awesome. I still think about the dinosaur one (it was a "Super Special," right?) whenever I think about time travel. The series overall was an unbelievable wealth of legitimately complex and well-used big moral questions, but they never felt awkwardly shoehorned into the books and the

Go to the Morgan Library. There's also a Hispanic Society of America Museum that is really cool - they have gorgeous Spanish metalwork, and it's free. I used to go to New York all the time with those same constraints (short period of time, not very expensive, non-touristy) and those are my two most memorable things I

@avclub-eee6e49e09ab1c283e2d7689d45a7b4b:disqus Me too, it kind of sucks. I have a very unique name, I'm the only one with the full version and there is only one other person with the version I use commonly/professionally, and it's pretty clear which one I am.

I forgot to mention, I am going to a BODEN SAMPLE SALE this weekend! It's in Boston at the Hynes Convention Center from 10am - 4pm Saturday. I am sooooo excited.

I want to gossip too! Dammit! And drink with you guys! I cannot get into twitter again though, I closed that chapter of my life.

I didn't know you worked at a brewery. That's really cool.

I really disagree. He wanted useful advice about how to make friends, like literally how to do it, how other people think about it and what the procedure is. You're telling him that he's going about the whole concept of social life in the wrong way because of how his generation is. That's not helpful! However I do

I was hanging out with friends last night and while watching The Prisoner on Crackle (which I had never heard it before) we saw an ad for Google Chrome that was just 15 or so seconds of a "Breadfish" video, which is apparently a Flash meme from 2004. Of course, we googled it immediately but were very frustrated that

I have like a million different "things." They are all useful but I hate that there are so many of them. (Hair stuff to put in my hair when it's wet to make it smooth, hair stuff to spray in my hair before I straighten it to protect it from the heat, shampoo, conditioner, in the shower aftershave stuff, out of the

I'm assuming the outtakes are new. I have a major thing for alternate cuts, live versions, etc.

When I read your first post I thought it was probably hopeless but with all this context it seems very reasonable to me that you would pursue this. I actually don't think it's "weird" at all. I think this sounds exactly like what you're "supposed" to do when you have a romantic connection with someone who lives far

Oh my god. I hope we get to hear these someday.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus You should totally get some semi-casual leather sandals! They are great with dresses, or even pants or shorts. I probably end up wearing my Teva flip flops 80% of the time anyway but sandals with heels to me are the perfect shortcut to "I am dressed 'nice' today."

What kind of depilatory cream do you use? Will it not kill me?

Congrats! I can't run for even three minutes without stopping so I'm already impressed.

That's so pretty! I bet it looks great with your coloring. Also, yes, it is totally "outdoor afternoon wedding." If I were choosing shoes for it, I would try to wear wedge or stack heel sandals in the general tan color category. (Yes, I'm describing a pair that I own myself that I would totally lend you.)

I really like the blazer that you ended up with - that's so pretty and it looks a lot better suited to someone petite than the Boden one, as you indicated in your review.