
@Scrawler2:disqus Ugh, sorry. It's such a short show and someone else mentioned the radio thing so I thought it was fair game.

Yeah, I agree. I actually think that these are the two best episodes though, maybe the two surrounding them too. But apart from these two, and thinking the pilot is weaker, I definitely notice the scenes more than the episodes. I remember overall thinking that the last two were weaker than I had hoped but that, like,

@Scrawler2:disqus Clearly I've become a little fuzzy on what happens when but I do distinctly remember feeling annoyed with Larry that his first assumption was that Piper didn't "deserve" to be in the SHU. I realize that I'm projecting a lot into this, but when his immediate assumption was that she was in there

I honestly love Piper. I totally identify with her. I like how she both kind of does what she's supposed to do and is simultaneously looking for excitement. I kind of liked the scene with the homeless kid and the dog. I would never, ever do that (a. Engage with someone asking for money on the street b. Offer financial

@pico79:disqus Seconded, all those depictions of Russian immigrant culture in New York are just totally pitch perfect.

I've been repeatedly disappointed by how she is dealt with on the show. I feel like they missed a giant opportunity to make her character more nuanced and moving. I am 100% prepared to follow whatever story they would give her - I love her as a character - but they just keep missing the chances.

@avclub-5eed6c6e569d984796ebca9c1169451e:disqus [SPOILERS FOLLOW]

@Scrawler2:disqus He did do that though - didn't he? Wasn't his initial reaction to blame her for doing whatever it was? (Or did that come later?) I thought he really did question it being her fault, then decide "rationally" that it couldn't have been, and then [VAGUE SPOILERS] comes around much the other way.

I don't know if anyone has offered this take on it yet but I felt that Piper yelled at Healy in part because of who he is and how he's presented himself to her so far - someone who is "above" the petty prison staff dynamics (of course, we learn that he's really not, but that's later/concomitant) someone who is an ally

Yeah, she is great. She's also by far one of the most "normal" characters in that she has pretty much the same reaction to the situations that I think the average viewer of this show would, and she also doesn't seem "affected" by the prison social politics in the same way that other more audience-resembling characters

I have an electric bikini line trimmer thing. It's one of my best purchases, ever. Cannot recommend highly enough. It is also totally unscary. It has a blade guard! My only complaint is that I wish it had a slightly lower setting on the guard (it has three and I always use the lowest one) because occasionally I want

Hey, it's not like they called it "Johnsons of Sex."

I once in a while put it in a to do list. But only my at home to do lists. Like things I want to get done in that weekend.

I like the I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag. A lot.

I've slept with a couple of uncircumcised guys. I was so drunk that I barely noticed it the first time, and the second time we didn't do anything besides intercourse w/a condom, so I didn't really notice any difference either. I did feel a little unnerved just out of worrying if there was something I should be doing

@avclub-1d5f36370c7ddcd55c96c2fb6bd11ead:disqus Yeah I became one of those people who never crosses the river.

@avclub-518aedbf95e34c72567f82fd1ad92f76:disqus Probably because that's how everyone actually does write them. I can't write in American cursive anymore, like my hand doesn't remember it. My last name ends in N and I just accepted the fact that when I sign my name with actual distinct letters (typically my signature

For whatever reason I've had a lot of period sex, including one night stands and people I didn't really know. Like I think the first time I ever hooked up with someone it was right on the end of my period. For some reason it's not something I have really ever been self conscious or concerned about.

@avclub-22eda830d1051274a2581d6466c06e6c:disqus Argh! Yeah there is a water device that shoots high pressure water into your ear. It works really well. My pediatrician had one, and then the ENT I've been to a couple times (for other stuff, not just ears) has a kind of not-so-gentle version of it, plus he uses some

The office assistant we hired was cleaning the space that used to be my desk and found two utilities checks that had fallen behind a shelf. I had completely and unequivocally lost them and was dreading having to re-calculate the utilities (not that it's going to be much easier with these checks, but still). $29.75