
Yeah, I think you hit the nail on the head. If you go into something expecting to feel carefree and self-satisfied after it's over, and then the other person is even more carefree and self-satisfied then you are and you feel kind of hurt, then you start feeling lousy and frustrated about the very fact that you feel

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take!!!!!! I love that story about asking out 100 people. I would love to do that. You would get such interesting stories.

I really favor the straightforward ask-out approach but I don't think you need to ask if she is seeing anyone first. That sounds a bit over-forward to me. If someone asks me out, I can already tell he's interested, and then it becomes my responsibility to either indicate that I am dating someone (if that is the case)

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is the greatest story ever.

The beard is like the foremost roadblock for me having a high opinion of Alan Moore.

How do you guys feel about short-alls? (Shortalls?) Are they the same as rompers? Or different? I had a pair I was crazy about when I was 11 or 12.

It's like shooting the moon; the first imitator was not funny but now that we have this insane proliferation it's become funny again.

Yeah, who would do that.

I can't believe I'm admitting something like this on here but I have been known to smack my own ass on occasion. Like, to make sure it still produces a good effect. It always does!

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I feel totally the opposite; I'm really self conscious about my age (being young). The other day I got ID'ed in a restaurant, which I absolutely hate, and the guy said apologetically "You look really young," which I totally don't think I do, so I go "Thank you" to try to

@avclub-f89827bb9d3e10d3c0abbe32af4af1f2:disqus I don't understand why she's considered so attractive here. She looks unbelievably average to me. Like not even pretty, just average looking. I can only assume that Veronica Mars is really fucking amazing (I've never seen it) to inspire such enthusiasm about her.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus I don't think any tastelessness is on you. I just wonder if it will join "If the glove doesn't fit" in the pantheon of memorable courtroom doggerel.

Yeah me too! I'm relatively flat-chested so maybe I would see the appeal if mine were anything special. But I just truly don't get it. Especially because they're not even something you can work on improving the appearance of, unlike nearly every other part of one's body.

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I only watched the second half of season 3 through the end live, but I had little to no memories of the sixth and seventh season for some unknown reason, so rewatching the entire thing was great as I got to start close to the beginning and then reexperience everything in

I'm about as straight as it's possible to be but I would infinitely rather look at naked girls than dudes (exception being someone I am actually fucking). They're so much nicer to look at. The male form in and of itself does very little for me from an aesthetic perspective whereas I have plenty of semi-nude pictures

You'll appreciate this, I had never heard of them until seeing them on Buffy (this was upon rewatching when I was much older - I don't think it would have registered when I was like 10). And then when I got a better context I was impressed they made a stop in Sunnydale . . . although again that underscores its

I clicked on this post in horror and was going to post "Dive into the [etc.]? I'd rather not!" but I find the article itself weirdly interesting, in the mild curiosity kind of way. The controversy about how to organize the site really sells it for me. Cheers Mike Vago!

Sorry, I wrote my above reply before I read this comment - you said what I believe in a much more concise and effective way.

@avclub-620982009915db2a0b4a49e224bad30c:disqus That's another example of confirmation basis and one of the most fundamental things people don't understand about statistics. Just because people who commit violent crimes may have a much higher incidence of mental illness than the general population in and of itself has

No, it's right there. See? Tesfaye.