
He didn't hit on Joan, it was an attempt at friendship. I was a little sad she shot him down.

OK, never mind. I didn't know that was a thing people said.

I find Roger incredibly unappealing as a character. He says really funny things on occasion, but none of it is, to me, enough to make up for what an awful person he is. He only thinks of himself, in every possible circumstance. Has he ever put another person's interests before what he wants to do at that exact moment?

I agree that Peggy is kind of willfully politically ignorant in some ways we wouldn't expect, especially because you get the sense that she does it on purpose because she thinks it will interfere with her job. In fact, that's the nature of their very first conversation, in that bar, right?

I have so far just watched the first episode and but Kristen Wiig really is killing it. (Since I hear it gets a lot better, I'll reserve judgment till I watch more.) She makes such a perfect Young Lucille. It makes me think that this is an impression she used to whip out all the time at parties or whatever for which

I stayed up waiting for the Mad Men review, but am giving up and going to bed.

I found it a weirdly refreshing idea. That is, the idea that he would give up porn for her (seems to be) treated with such legitimacy. I think there is a lot of pressure on women to be "cool" about porn and other sex stuff they might not be crazy about even if it genuinely bothers them, and it's nice to see the flip

It's definitely different, but I think you are imagining the "more hostile and intolerant" phenomenon. (Though I've seen a few people mention that it seems this way, or more 'angry,' and it always surprises me.) To me the AV Club is MUCH more touchy feely than it has ever been. Everyone was too cool to talk about

Ken is the most all-around attractive character on the show. He also has a great relationship with his wife and has outplayed Roger. Since Ginsberg's mustache he has shot back to #1 for me.

Both last episode and this one made me feel genuinely sick during and after viewing. I mean, I still think the show is good, but it makes me feel bad to watch these things. Usually even when bad things happen on the show, I enjoy the quality so much that I feel good afterwards - I don't think these episodes are worse

I thought it was good context, at least for me personally. I've never quite bought that Don's rough upbringing would fuck you up to the extent that he is how he is like now. Seeing him get unwillingly seduced by a prostitute, who is the only person to act anything approaching kind toward him in years, then get

Yeah, Modell's is the best one. At least so far.

@Scrawler2:disqus I'm glad you clarified this - I honestly thought that you, personally, thought that what Lena Dunham said could be reasonably construed as a judgment against those who work in porn. Sorry to sound as if I were arguing against you!

@avclub-cd3695fb409b3ce6dc60ca44b08983ac:disqus I disagree - I think the nature of, at least, these comments (I'm not really familiar with comments on actual Girls reviews) is in line with what I expect on AVC. To me it's just that this topic is unusually divisive of a commentariat that's usually less divided on a

@avclub-650791898dd05ac4d665569d95c8ba08:disqus Your username is very appropriate here! I feel the same way. I am genuinely considering adopting a policy of never reading an article about Girls ever again. I don't even have any stake whatsoever in arguments for or against her and it's grating on even me. People

I was referring to "The Squirt Locker," which I've been told exists, but have never looked up.

I laughed out loud at this. An excellent point.

@avclub-58f80cfeb0401e72edadcc105edade0c:disqus Could not agree more.

Eh. I assure you, if Kathryn Bigelow tweeted that she was disappointed by the porn parody of her movie, we wouldn't spend so much time talking about it.

Dude, I bet even Matthew Weiner is secretly insecure about the quality of his show. It's the human condition.