
OK, it might not be a pure framing device, but I don't think that wanting to find out who the mother is is the real reason anyone is watching the show. With any narrative, you watch for the story not the end; the point is how you get there not the destination, insert other adage to this effect here. I am certainly

Anyone who is literally watching the show for the suspense of who the mother will be is crazy. It's a pure framing device, nothing more. I enjoy the show and don't give a shit whether or not the identity of the mother is ever revealed.

Yes, I am planning to do exactly that (drink rum on a beach). I am not going to do anything cultural, just sit on the beach and read and do crossword puzzles, and hopefully eat good food. I mean, I'll probably read something like War and Peace, I just don't want to drag myself around to museums. All my previous trips

That's an interesting argument. I buy it on iTunes and have the same issue. Sometimes I go to my parents' house to watch it live, but that's not always convenient.

I have the same problem with workout playlists. A lot of the music I like isn't suitable (to me) for listening to while working out, and the stuff I do like to listen to while I work out, I run into the ground and then get sick of in all contexts. My recent favorite gym music is Public Enemy and NWA plus all the

Thanks for linking those! I didn't know about them. I really want to go to The General and the Harold Lloyd movies, none of which I've seen before.

On Friday I went to see Mud. My date picked it; I had pretty much little to no interest in it (I didn't think it was going to be bad or anything, it just never piqued my interest) but I picked our last two movies, Spring Breakers and Stoker, so I happily went along with it and was so glad because I really enjoyed it

I'm sorry about the rabbit.

Yeah, everyone is changing their facebook pictures to pictures of them with their moms, it is quite noticeable. (I admittedly did this one year, but a long time ago, before it was cool. My mom is not very into Mother's Day, and she and I happened to go to the movies together on Wednesday, and I wished her a happy

Butter on bagels is so much better. Especially because the best kind of bagel is cinnamon raisin, and who the fuck wants cream cheese on a cinnamon raisin bagel. That's disgusting. I will sometimes eat veggie cream cheese on an everything bagel, but it has to be really good cream cheese, not the gross chalk tasting

@avclub-e9a31138d9c1040eb526f6ca6761e58b:disqus If she bitches at him for not cleaning or cooking while she works all day and supports the two of them, maybe he should fucking clean or cook!

Yeah exactly. I'm not very old and arguably have been living in the internet age for a lot of my life but when I was a teenager I mostly found out about bands either by talking to people older than I was about music, and actually more often by reading books about various eras of music (I went through a big phase of

I watched it on VHS, I vaguely remember they show the endings in a row.

I really want to, and plan to now! He also gave some great movie recommendations (a girl asked him) of movies with similar depictions of female relationships which are now at the top of my list - The Green Ray and Girlfriends foremost.
Also, surprisingly goodlooking; I had no idea what he looked like before.

Also, jesus christ, I want to see every single one of these movies. I would list the "especiallys," but there are at least ten I especially want to see! I think it'll be a good summer.

I saw a preview of Frances Ha on Tuesday night at the Harvard Film Archive and it was great. There was a Skype Q&A with Noah Baumbach afterwards which was also fun. I liked the Squid and the Whale and felt Margot At The Wedding really missed the mark for me personally, haven't seen his other films, but I really,

@avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus I honestly don't even pay attention, but I think it's $8ish in MA. I wanted to buy a case when I was visiting my brother in Kansas, where cigarettes are like $4.50, but they don't know I smoke.

You are lucky though - my hair doesn't do that no matter the time of year. I have to straighten it to look like a civilized human as opposed to Kitty with her hair down. I have had exactly one day in which my hair dried naturally to be nice and wavy, and that was in Santa Fe, to where I don't want to move.

The best thing I've ever read about smoking was actually here, on the AV Club, in maybe 2009, I think in an article about cigarette ads or something, and then everyone was talking about smoking in the comments. Someone wrote something like "Smoking a cigarette is like wanting something incredibly badly and then

This is much more me than all the people with serious quit attempts. Yet I am thinking more and more seriously about quitting because it can't be helping my various health issues. Plus with being sick, I haven't been smoking much at all, so it would be a good time to quit. The thing is that I smoke very little even