
Man, the AV Club should have more articles like this one. Never heard of this band before and I just listened to this song like three times in a row. It's charming.

@avclub-0304234e5dac07d007cf06c22b3f29c4:disqus I despise myself for liking this comment.

Oh to be the fox in question!

I'd just be happy to see Michael K. Williams in anything. The Wire. Terry Gross interviews. This skeptically regarded biopic. On the subway. In my room. Really anywhere would be fine.

I watched Django Unchained which I really liked.
I also finished the rest of season seven of How I Met Your Mother. I cried so hard at the end (like, for real) that I think I must be secretly distraught about something because you're really not supposed to cry that much at something you're happy about/moved by on a

I agree in principle and I love the "How'd That Happen?" stuff, but I think the guy sounded really upset so I wouldn't necessarily go straight to this being one of those. It could be that he really does like this stuff, and with time will come to be more comfortable with it and will stop feeling bad that this

I went out after work last night and had 2 margaritas. It was prefaced by a spiel from the bartender on different kinds of tequila which went 100% over my head but which my drinking companion appreciated. I like tequila though and I reflected that I might be finally old enough for it to be less bourgeois to know

I had carrots and peas (frozen, defrosted) for lunch. Earlier in the morning I had a strawberry banana muffin with peanut butter.

Oh yeah, I kind of glossed over that for some reason. I can definitely see how that would add an extra layer of being upset even if it hasn't been his primary concern.

I like the response too. You see this more about gay males than lesbians though - this perception that gay sex is somehow "more adult" and more inappropriate. Of course, this is totally false and it's just that we are better at "ignoring" straight sex or pretending it doesn't exist, like how when homophobic people say

Yeah, as a woman, it doesn't feel good having anything inside you at the gynecologist, or when you put tampons in. It maybe does for like half a second but the context kills it. (Apart from people with medical fetishes.)

I really like Dan's advice to the first letter writer. It was extremely sensible and logical and very reassuring. I feel bad for the guy who wrote the letter and hope that he is sufficiently reassured.

My mom always says that she married a man with a beard, so if he shaves it off, they're divorced. (My dad DID shave his beard off once, it looked terrible, did not repeat.)

It makes me throw up. I've smoked up a few times and enjoyed a couple of those occasions but I really can take it or leave it. I've never really understood the appeal. Acid either. I like drinking because it's still all the same experiences, but heightened. I don't want to be in some totally different state.

I really like the phrase "It's unclear if they hooked up." You can append it to practically any anecdote you might be telling about any two people.

I find people's attitudes to this article interesting/frustrating. I've seen it referred to many, many times as the most difficult thing to read that has ever, ever been written. Unsurprisingly, I take a dim view of this perspective. Yes, it's awful but so are many other things and I think people feel that way because

I find people's attitudes to this article interesting/frustrating. I've seen it referred to many, many times as the most difficult thing to read that has ever, ever been written. Unsurprisingly, I take a dim view of this perspective. Yes, it's awful but so are many other things and I think people feel that way because

It's very weird and I find the provenance of this book (one of his online fans died of cancer, at least semi inspiring the book . . . I think) rather disturbing. One of the only interesting things about The Fault In Our Stars is to consider how John Green depicted the author in his book's relationship toward fans in

It's very weird and I find the provenance of this book (one of his online fans died of cancer, at least semi inspiring the book . . . I think) rather disturbing. One of the only interesting things about The Fault In Our Stars is to consider how John Green depicted the author in his book's relationship toward fans in