
"Roof" that way drives me ballistic too. People who do that say "root" the same way which I also hate. I have a little bit of a Midwestern accent though. I'm from MA but my mom's family is from Ann Arbor and going to school in Chicago kind of cemented it. I also inexplicably play it up sometimes (consciously), just on

I say "legit" with some frequency when I want to sound colloquial/cute/for emphasis. I had forgotten that it can be used in a non-colloquial way. Hasn't its colloquial connotation totally superseded any non-colloquial use by now?

I say "legit" with some frequency when I want to sound colloquial/cute/for emphasis. I had forgotten that it can be used in a non-colloquial way. Hasn't its colloquial connotation totally superseded any non-colloquial use by now?

This is pretty great and is a good lesson to me. I'm probably not going to change my grated-upon ways though. My least favorite new word is "gift" as a verb. I want to just punch everyone who says it in the face.

This is pretty great and is a good lesson to me. I'm probably not going to change my grated-upon ways though. My least favorite new word is "gift" as a verb. I want to just punch everyone who says it in the face.

I'm a pretty fast reader so I'll probably finish it this week. It's not playing that many places around here though, and I have work and the usual holiday craziness this week, so I'm not sure if I'll get to see it. The other problem, as my college roommate and I were discussing, is how unbearable it is to listen to

I'm a pretty fast reader so I'll probably finish it this week. It's not playing that many places around here though, and I have work and the usual holiday craziness this week, so I'm not sure if I'll get to see it. The other problem, as my college roommate and I were discussing, is how unbearable it is to listen to

I started reading Anna Karenina, which I'd started but not finished a couple years ago. I want to finish it this week and then maybe see the movie over Christmas if it's still in theaters. I'm still in the Dostoevsky camp but it's pretty good. I'm finding myself tempted to skip the Anna/Vronsky parts and just read the

I started reading Anna Karenina, which I'd started but not finished a couple years ago. I want to finish it this week and then maybe see the movie over Christmas if it's still in theaters. I'm still in the Dostoevsky camp but it's pretty good. I'm finding myself tempted to skip the Anna/Vronsky parts and just read the

I legit like 27 Dresses. I think it's a really good chick flick, especially compared to the rest of its milieu.

I legit like 27 Dresses. I think it's a really good chick flick, especially compared to the rest of its milieu.

If it's a policy change this really pisses me off (though not as much as the increased moderation). I think we all "like" things sometimes because we think someone will be glad to know who appreciated his or her comment.

If it's a policy change this really pisses me off (though not as much as the increased moderation). I think we all "like" things sometimes because we think someone will be glad to know who appreciated his or her comment.

I freely admit that I'm much more interventionist than the average liberal. I just really prefer to save more people from a violent death in the short term than prioritize long-game strategic interests in the Middle East. I'd rather have more of a political quagmire later if it means that fewer people have to spend

I freely admit that I'm much more interventionist than the average liberal. I just really prefer to save more people from a violent death in the short term than prioritize long-game strategic interests in the Middle East. I'd rather have more of a political quagmire later if it means that fewer people have to spend

I am beyond sickened that we have been letting Syria go on for two years already. In the summer, the NYT headline's "Syrian
refugees beset by heat." Now it's "Syrian refugees ravaged by cold." Can't wait for the NYT to tell me that now it's the rainy season wreaking havoc on refugees.

I am beyond sickened that we have been letting Syria go on for two years already. In the summer, the NYT headline's "Syrian
refugees beset by heat." Now it's "Syrian refugees ravaged by cold." Can't wait for the NYT to tell me that now it's the rainy season wreaking havoc on refugees.

I'm not really an "active" Princess Bride fan - like I won't quote it (though I'm not the quoting type) and I would never think to mention it when listing my favorite movies or even stuff I was generally a fan of - but come on. It's a great movie, and it's great not only for its technical qualities, but for its role

I'm not really an "active" Princess Bride fan - like I won't quote it (though I'm not the quoting type) and I would never think to mention it when listing my favorite movies or even stuff I was generally a fan of - but come on. It's a great movie, and it's great not only for its technical qualities, but for its role

Yeah, U of C is really much less like that than other schools. I did admissions interviews last year (I wanted to do it this year too, but I have a more important job now, so I didn't have time). My impression is that they really select for uniqueness - I despise that word, but can't think of a better one - and