
Sorry man. I thought you were claiming exhaustive knowledge of Nabokov's various paeans to young girls!

Sorry man. I thought you were claiming exhaustive knowledge of Nabokov's various paeans to young girls!

My favorite Keret story (not that I can claim any sort of exhaustive familiarity) is the one about the woman who goes to writing class after a miscarriage and writes a story about her husband being cuckolded by a cat. Then she writes a story about a world where you stop being able to see someone when you fall out of

My favorite Keret story (not that I can claim any sort of exhaustive familiarity) is the one about the woman who goes to writing class after a miscarriage and writes a story about her husband being cuckolded by a cat. Then she writes a story about a world where you stop being able to see someone when you fall out of

I read that this summer. I was out of the country and wanted to read something that was, like, aggressively English, to give me some verbal stimulation. In fact, I bought it in Hungary, where they speak the most inscrutable language written in the Latin alphabet. Slightly ironic, I guess, because it's translated, but

I read that this summer. I was out of the country and wanted to read something that was, like, aggressively English, to give me some verbal stimulation. In fact, I bought it in Hungary, where they speak the most inscrutable language written in the Latin alphabet. Slightly ironic, I guess, because it's translated, but

Don't you think the incest (including sister on sister) is dirtier than the pre-teen girl stuff? I didn't grow up with siblings, so I don't have a natural aversion to incest (probably one of the reasons I liked Ada so much, I have to admit) but that scene was wayyyyy too much for me, even if nobody is more than a half

Don't you think the incest (including sister on sister) is dirtier than the pre-teen girl stuff? I didn't grow up with siblings, so I don't have a natural aversion to incest (probably one of the reasons I liked Ada so much, I have to admit) but that scene was wayyyyy too much for me, even if nobody is more than a half

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I KNOW! It's the greatest. I sent him a fan email once when I was like 15 or 16 and he wrote me a nice reply. I also used to really enjoy linking to that headless corpse esophagus-fucking drawing he had on the site (unsurprisingly, there have been multiple occasions on

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I KNOW! It's the greatest. I sent him a fan email once when I was like 15 or 16 and he wrote me a nice reply. I also used to really enjoy linking to that headless corpse esophagus-fucking drawing he had on the site (unsurprisingly, there have been multiple occasions on

I love Chekhov so much. Uncle Vanya is my favorite play, ever ever. I've been meaning to reread Doctor Zhivago for a long time but never have since I took a class on it my junior year of college.

I love Chekhov so much. Uncle Vanya is my favorite play, ever ever. I've been meaning to reread Doctor Zhivago for a long time but never have since I took a class on it my junior year of college.

I really liked that book by Pelevin too - I read it in Russian so it was "Chapaev i Pustota" ("Chapaev and Void"). It's kind of philosophical sci fi-y magic realism, kind of postmodernist, but also gives a good feel of the zeitgeist of Russia.

I really liked that book by Pelevin too - I read it in Russian so it was "Chapaev i Pustota" ("Chapaev and Void"). It's kind of philosophical sci fi-y magic realism, kind of postmodernist, but also gives a good feel of the zeitgeist of Russia.

I just finished Say Her Name by Francisco Goldman, which I loved. I knew I was going to, it's exactly my kind of book. It's extremely, extremely sad.

I just finished Say Her Name by Francisco Goldman, which I loved. I knew I was going to, it's exactly my kind of book. It's extremely, extremely sad.

All I've read from McCarthy is the Border trilogy but I loved it. The final book, "Cities of the Plain" is probably my favorite but it is very bleak and sad. It has that enigmatic quality of slightly flawed novels that I have always appreciated but can't really explain why.

All I've read from McCarthy is the Border trilogy but I loved it. The final book, "Cities of the Plain" is probably my favorite but it is very bleak and sad. It has that enigmatic quality of slightly flawed novels that I have always appreciated but can't really explain why.