
To be fair, I think that literally everyone reading this site, or who read the book, or who is familiar with this movie, or whatever is the kind of person who thinks all of these are really universal cultural touchstones. I'm not so sure that the broader population feels this way. I mean, in college, I had some really

I agree. I was really not on board with that plot twist.

I agree. I was really not on board with that plot twist.

My friends were so, so, SO into Rocky Horror. They all watched it
without me the first time, so I decided to watch it by myself. I totally
hated it and couldn't get through it the first try. Eventually I formed
a kind of appreciation for it and subsequently had to watch it like a
million more times. One of my friends

My friends were so, so, SO into Rocky Horror. They all watched it
without me the first time, so I decided to watch it by myself. I totally
hated it and couldn't get through it the first try. Eventually I formed
a kind of appreciation for it and subsequently had to watch it like a
million more times. One of my friends

This brought to my mind that Chuck Klosterman essay about which do people actually think more about, sex or death. His hypothesis was that everyone would say they thought about sex more, but upon being pressed to admit their true feelings, would own up that they actually thought about death more. But everyone he asked

This brought to my mind that Chuck Klosterman essay about which do people actually think more about, sex or death. His hypothesis was that everyone would say they thought about sex more, but upon being pressed to admit their true feelings, would own up that they actually thought about death more. But everyone he asked

@avclub-598fc4574e04fb9c4e51c4e0ad6f34d8:disqus Not wanting to "deal with accents and language choice" IS racist/ethnocentrist.

@avclub-598fc4574e04fb9c4e51c4e0ad6f34d8:disqus Not wanting to "deal with accents and language choice" IS racist/ethnocentrist.

I was going to offer Krafft-Ebing as an example of a legitimately German weird sex* enthusiast but it turns out there's all this confusion over whether or not he is Austrian, too.

I was going to offer Krafft-Ebing as an example of a legitimately German weird sex* enthusiast but it turns out there's all this confusion over whether or not he is Austrian, too.

I'm not depressed, I just love talking about myself. To people I don't know. But even more so, I love hearing personal anecdotes about people I don't know. Here's to the internet.

I'm not depressed, I just love talking about myself. To people I don't know. But even more so, I love hearing personal anecdotes about people I don't know. Here's to the internet.

Did anyone else read The Rescuers books? I really liked them. I don't think I managed to find all of them though, and it'd probably be harder now.

Did anyone else read The Rescuers books? I really liked them. I don't think I managed to find all of them though, and it'd probably be harder now.

I am DONE with the AV Club! Giving The Rescuers a C is wack enough, but even more so to think that The Rescuers Down Under is the better film.

I am DONE with the AV Club! Giving The Rescuers a C is wack enough, but even more so to think that The Rescuers Down Under is the better film.

This is a great comment. I don't understand complaining about the animation, at all. If I wanted to see something incredibly slick and glossy and bright, I'd watch a fucking Pixar movie. If I wanted to see something that is actually evocative, artistic, and seems like it has a soul, I'd watch The Rescuers.