
I think the book is fantastic and really love it - many people don't, though, finding it sentimental or maudlin. I just think it's emotional, which I like, but not everyone does. I haven't seen the movie though I am just a little curious to, though I think it's supposed to be universally terrible even for fans of the

Yeah, I love morbid shit as well as underground shit so I did go to that. I've seen similar mummies in Croatia. I like cities where you can see more or less everything in one visit and it's more manageable.

Yeah, I love morbid shit as well as underground shit so I did go to that. I've seen similar mummies in Croatia. I like cities where you can see more or less everything in one visit and it's more manageable.

I'm in Brno and it's really hot. So after I got here yesterday on the train, I spent the evening lying in a cold bath re-reading "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" and drinking beer, pretty great. I also watched a bunch of Russian TV. Earlier this week (Thursday) I went to the Leopold Museum in Vienna and got

I'm in Brno and it's really hot. So after I got here yesterday on the train, I spent the evening lying in a cold bath re-reading "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" and drinking beer, pretty great. I also watched a bunch of Russian TV. Earlier this week (Thursday) I went to the Leopold Museum in Vienna and got

This is pathetic - it's time to retire this feature. You even admit in the question that this is a total repeat. I have always loved and been a huge defender of the AVQ&A, but come on, we're out of material, we've done all the interesting questions already. Enough! Honestly, there are probably enough new users that

This is pathetic - it's time to retire this feature. You even admit in the question that this is a total repeat. I have always loved and been a huge defender of the AVQ&A, but come on, we're out of material, we've done all the interesting questions already. Enough! Honestly, there are probably enough new users that

Didn't The Suburbs JUST come out? How do you guys already have nostalgic and season specific association with it?

Didn't The Suburbs JUST come out? How do you guys already have nostalgic and season specific association with it?

I like it that much. I'm excited! But cautiously.

I like it that much. I'm excited! But cautiously.

Thanks for the insights. Megan's friend is obviously Swedish or something. Do you really think Beth and Betty are similar? What about their names - do you think that's supposed to be some kind of clue?

Thanks for the insights. Megan's friend is obviously Swedish or something. Do you really think Beth and Betty are similar? What about their names - do you think that's supposed to be some kind of clue?

Mystery Date is one of its worst? You are out of your mind

Mystery Date is one of its worst? You are out of your mind

I don't have a car either, but I have to hear all the top 40 shit at the gym, which makes me want to scream (it's audible even through headphones for the most part). Also my coworkers play the bland top 40 shit from Pandora which is like the literal opposite of what Pandora was intended for.

I don't have a car either, but I have to hear all the top 40 shit at the gym, which makes me want to scream (it's audible even through headphones for the most part). Also my coworkers play the bland top 40 shit from Pandora which is like the literal opposite of what Pandora was intended for.

I only skipped two classes on purpose in my entire college career. You guys are degenerates! What a waste of money!

I only skipped two classes on purpose in my entire college career. You guys are degenerates! What a waste of money!

She missed the pigeons!