
No way he totally meant it.

Yeah that thing with Pete was great. Emile appreciated it too, which was also great.

I also sort of thought that Megan's parents were supposed to be French French, not just Quebecois.


I agree.
I'm also not convinced that "being an actress" is Megan's dream he was referring to. Maybe it is to go to graduate school and become an intellectual like him. I'm sure he'd prefer her to be Dr. Calvet than Mrs. Draper.

I agree. I really hated Joan in the first few seasons. I really like her now, but I'm glad to read other people agreeing that she has changed, rather than my getting used to it or something. Scenes between Joan and Peggy are invariably great. Incidentally, I didn't see "Or you could go shopping" as necessarily sly,

I used to think Roger was just a douchebag (I know, this is what most people like about him, but I find it off putting) but post LSD Roger is seriously so much fun.

As you are someone who loves literature I am really surprised by this! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE being able to access what it was really like to live in another time and place, precisely because of these off-handed details, so that you can really get a good sense of what quotidian culture was like. I guess I feel like a

I think the translations help a lot. Some people think they add too much "voice" but I think the Pevear & Volokhonsky MAKES Dostoevsky for me. I don't read Russian fluently enough to read enough of him in Russian to be able to independently judge how faithful in tone it is, but it seems ok from what I can tell, and is

I think it’s about ideas, too, but I like the people story the most. I mean,
I  don’t want to just read Thus Spake Zarathustra or something. I guess that it’s that the ideas are actually legitimately part of people’s lives instead of the characters being philosophical ciphers or something. Like, this sounds really

I read it in bed at night with a flashlight during my sophomore year of college. I was enjoying it so much I made it last as long as possible. It was fantastic.

Right before I started college I went on vacation with my parents, and my good friend & bookstore coworker was trying to get me to take along The Brothers Karamazov, saying I'd love it. I didn't listen to her, because I thought it was going to be totally depressing and totally not fun to read while lounging around on

I agree. It just didn't work because the guy is an idiot and sexist to boot. I don't think there was anything wrong with her Don-ing him. There were definitely clients in earlier seasons whom Don couldn't successfully Don (none is coming to mind at the moment though).

I think I said this in the review of that Breaking Bad episode. I've never done heroin but I've read that you actually do feel like that. But, I remember some people in the thread saying that they had done heroin and that they didn't feel like that? It didn't seem silly to me. If anything else it's at least a well

I thought he was totally reasonable too. I don't get how he seems like a jerk. It's Peggy who seems like a jerk!

I like Abe. I can see what Peggy sees in him. I like Ginsberg a LOT more, looks wise, but I don't think it's like a total mismatch or anything even just on a superficial level.

I hope you went back and watched it normal, after.

I totally agree with Carol Brown. The whole reason we got to know Megan is because she's good with kids so Don took her to California (and the whole seminal milkshake spilling moment, which is kind of silly, but still maybe presented as important in the context of the show). I agree that Megan is as she is presented.

He's not saying "really" like people ironically say "Really?" now, he's saying it like it actually means "Really?", which it does.

I noticed that too. I liked that.