Tracys Face

Oh, man, Fish Tank is terrific, aside from that awkward, unneeded symbolism with the horse.

I agree with your take on each.

I agree with your take on each.

I'm in agreement with pretty much everything you wrote, but I do think it's interesting that you would refer to Halloween II as overrated. I've never encountered anyone who didn't consider it be exactly what it is: an inferior, kind sleazy, but sorta lovable sequel to the classic original. In general, I'd say most

I'm in agreement with pretty much everything you wrote, but I do think it's interesting that you would refer to Halloween II as overrated. I've never encountered anyone who didn't consider it be exactly what it is: an inferior, kind sleazy, but sorta lovable sequel to the classic original. In general, I'd say most

And you'd think Zombie, who is clearly an intelligent, passionate advocate for great horror films past and present, would know to avoid the trappings of "explaining the evil," which almost never works.

And you'd think Zombie, who is clearly an intelligent, passionate advocate for great horror films past and present, would know to avoid the trappings of "explaining the evil," which almost never works.

I always have to remind myself that the director of Funny Games is the same director of Cache' and The White Ribbon. The former, I agree, is pretty damn obnoxious. Those latter two, however, are masterworks.

I always have to remind myself that the director of Funny Games is the same director of Cache' and The White Ribbon. The former, I agree, is pretty damn obnoxious. Those latter two, however, are masterworks.

I'm curious to gauge the thoughts around here on the subsequent sequels, when Myers is stalking after…who?….his niece? Parts 4 and 5. I haven't seen them yet. Worth the time?

I'm curious to gauge the thoughts around here on the subsequent sequels, when Myers is stalking after…who?….his niece? Parts 4 and 5. I haven't seen them yet. Worth the time?

I'm not disagreeing with the statement, but I do think that it's important to include Bob Clark's Black Christmas on the short list of invented the goddamn cliches.

I'm not disagreeing with the statement, but I do think that it's important to include Bob Clark's Black Christmas on the short list of invented the goddamn cliches.

Last I heard, he was still attached to direct the Suspiria remake. Is that still happening?

Last I heard, he was still attached to direct the Suspiria remake. Is that still happening?

I'd like to get together with her and make some pizza.

I'd like to get together with her and make some pizza.

As I curl up to my copy of All the Real Girls and quietly weep. 

As I curl up to my copy of All the Real Girls and quietly weep. 

"You think THAT'S bad…"