Tracys Face

First A Knight's Tale, now this. There seems to be a treasure trove of television premises to be found in underrated movies from the early aughts.

"Did you have to laugh like that every time?"

"Did you have to laugh like that every time?"

This has never failed as the episode to show friends and loved ones to convince them to jump aboard the HIMYM train. Even the throwaway lines are golden.

This has never failed as the episode to show friends and loved ones to convince them to jump aboard the HIMYM train. Even the throwaway lines are golden.

JUST the scenes with Kendrick, though. She's great, but the rest of that movie is dreadful.

JUST the scenes with Kendrick, though. She's great, but the rest of that movie is dreadful.

Absolutely. She gets a bum rap because of the Twilight flicks - understandable, but not exactly fair. It's like when people point to the Star Wars prequels as evidence that Natalie Portman can't act. The argument doesn't work. Nobody could make that drivel compelling. Occasionally, though, like in the woefully

Absolutely. She gets a bum rap because of the Twilight flicks - understandable, but not exactly fair. It's like when people point to the Star Wars prequels as evidence that Natalie Portman can't act. The argument doesn't work. Nobody could make that drivel compelling. Occasionally, though, like in the woefully

Depp and Burton really need to take a break. Not even a break-up. Just a nice, long break. See other people for a little bit.

Depp and Burton really need to take a break. Not even a break-up. Just a nice, long break. See other people for a little bit.

Yeah, but @avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus also consistently goes to bat for Bram Stoker's Dracula. For that alone, he has my admiration and respect.

Yeah, but @avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus also consistently goes to bat for Bram Stoker's Dracula. For that alone, he has my admiration and respect.

Y'all ever see That Evening Sun? Holbrook is terrific in it. Shame it came and went with very little attention.

Y'all ever see That Evening Sun? Holbrook is terrific in it. Shame it came and went with very little attention.

I'm spotty on my Lincoln history - for those less ignorant than I: how prevalent/credible is the "Lincoln-was-gay" theory?

I'm spotty on my Lincoln history - for those less ignorant than I: how prevalent/credible is the "Lincoln-was-gay" theory?

Not that I'd ever want to be mean-spirited about anything involving Michelle Williams, but this is kind of on the money.

Not that I'd ever want to be mean-spirited about anything involving Michelle Williams, but this is kind of on the money.

I'm looking forward to the new adaptation of Anna Karenina. Between Wright and Knightley, I'm more than game.