Tracys Face

Good actors.

Oh, man. Threads.

Oh, man. Threads.

"The Hoopsucker!"

"The Hoopsucker!"

God, I love Hudsucker Proxy. My favorite joke from the hula hoop montage is that running gag of the old secretary gradually making her way through the entirety of War and Peace and, later, Anna Karenina.

God, I love Hudsucker Proxy. My favorite joke from the hula hoop montage is that running gag of the old secretary gradually making her way through the entirety of War and Peace and, later, Anna Karenina.

@avclub-6ffc79f9decf633c29b09e6c25621195:disqus is on the level. God knows we tear into Grey's Anatomy around these parts, as well we should, but there were some good moments in the show's early seasons. That birth scene, "vajayjay" and all, is one of them.

@avclub-6ffc79f9decf633c29b09e6c25621195:disqus is on the level. God knows we tear into Grey's Anatomy around these parts, as well we should, but there were some good moments in the show's early seasons. That birth scene, "vajayjay" and all, is one of them.



With all the power and mayhem of the movie's second half, it's easy to forget the time spent with Michael Caine in the beginning. Predictably, he makes quite an impression in a relatively short amount of screen-time.

With all the power and mayhem of the movie's second half, it's easy to forget the time spent with Michael Caine in the beginning. Predictably, he makes quite an impression in a relatively short amount of screen-time.



And not even just the birth, but the aftermath, when Clive Owen and the girl are slowly walking out of the building amongst all this war and death and carnage, and as soon as the soldiers and guerrilla fighters register that she's holding a fucking baby, they just… *stop* fighting and gawp at the first

And not even just the birth, but the aftermath, when Clive Owen and the girl are slowly walking out of the building amongst all this war and death and carnage, and as soon as the soldiers and guerrilla fighters register that she's holding a fucking baby, they just… *stop* fighting and gawp at the first

One thing I do miss about Scrubs being on the air: I don't hear "bajingo" nearly as much as I'd like. Thank you for brightening this dreary day.

One thing I do miss about Scrubs being on the air: I don't hear "bajingo" nearly as much as I'd like. Thank you for brightening this dreary day.

Giving it some thought, it's very possible that the first cinematic depiction of birth that stuck with me, 101 Dalmatians aside (happy to see that up there), was this: