
how many bee's did that snap bracelet cost ya?

like mukluk?

So better than cable or TV? Cause watching football yesterday confirmed that 99.999%* of CBS is total garbage.

I've passed that movie on netflix three times this weekend, guess I know what I'm watching tonight….


I thought this was the best episode of the entire series

The internet is only what the user brings to it.

No No No not me friends. He's talking about Bill Murray, but thanks for looking!

He is certainly the best singer of the bunch. I love that damn song.

Women will like what I tell them to like.

"dating crisps" "rumbled him"
What planet are you from?

Stuff them in a nice lobster

I always thought that Ricky Coogin episode sucked.

Eh…a googaly doogaly

Murray is already in one of the best Xmas movies of all time - Kingpin.

There is excellent writing here:

Duh, Big Ben is hurt and not playing for the Jets anyway.

did you know there is a direct correlation between the decline in spirograph and a rise in gang activity? Think about it.