
I'm totally sympathetic to the point of view that it's one of the less authentic Pink Floyd albums, but that doesn't stop me from rating "Coming Back to Life" among one of their best songs.

My two takeaways on The Division Bell: it's backloaded, unlike practically every other frontloaded album in the world, in that the best songs are saved for the second half. Also, Richard Wright took a more active role in the writing and performing, and it shows.

I have no regrets on buying three of the five Genesis box sets (only that I wish they were packaged in a more compact fashion)… true, they were pricey, but the sound quality was truly excellent. Their long-time audio engineer not just remastered the original tapes, but went back to the original multitracks and remixed

I could see Power Pack being a hit. No, really. Just cast it with Will & Jada Smith's kids, and Marvel could just start printing money.

Children of Men

sure, you get a free acoustic ep…
…unless you shop at Manhattan's (otherwise venerable) Other Music, where they looked at me like I head three heads when I inquired about it.

"Vicky Vale. Vuh-vuh-vuh Vicki Vale. Ooooooooooh… bats!"

If you want to see zombies vs. reality tv, check out the BBC series "Dead Set"

I walked past the shoot of "Enchanted" in Central Park a few years ago, and Amy Adams was just hanging out, in full princess regalia, chatting with passersby. Her smile was outshining the kleig lights.

Hear, hear! My first thought was: 1981? That's when King Crimson's Discipline came out! Also, I strongly associate Peter Gabriel's third album (aka "Melt") with that era in music.

Neil Gaiman scripts are like busses…
You wait forever and then a trilogy comes along all at once.

Watch out, Billy Corgan! And… uh, dude from Midnight Oil!

I'm not going to bore everyone with another list, but I have to note my surprise at seeing "Green" so far down on almost everyone's rankings. Maybe because its year of release coincides with my discovering the band, but I've always considered it one of their major albums.

Five pints rapid, in honor of The Brig!

Which one's Glee?

That's what the lizard people want you to think
Can we just admit that the only reason anybody watched the original series was for the makeup effects? All of Kenneth Johnson's Nazi/fascist metaphors were just gravy, while there was something perversely fascinating about rubber masks being ripped off lizard people. So

How to Get Into Mogwai in One Easy Step
Step 1: see them live.

Gisaewaj, if the A.V. Club were a Tumblr, I would totally reblog your comment. I know how you feel.

The intel that must have went into this bust was only slightly more advanced than what gave the feds the notion of knocking on Willie Nelson's tourbus door.

William Wharton
William Wharton has been one of my favorite writers ever since I was a teenager. Birdy, like Catcher in the Rye, is one of those novels best read when you're young (and it would probably mean more to boys). And the movie is good, co-starring Nic Cage back when he had credibility, and a weird score by