
I'm guessing he doesn't consider the show to be about superheores because the main character doesn't have superpowers. I haven't watched the show; does anyone on it have superpowers?

The effects on the midair rescue were pretty damn impressive.

I actually thought she was going to die just because Whedon has killed off main characters early in his other series without much warning (mainly thinking of Doyle in Angel, but also Jesse in the Buffy pilot). I'm sure that made the episode more suspenseful for me, but even though I felt it was too early to kill off

I just assumed that it was because no one in the plane actually knew how to fly it and didn't consider going under the bridge.

I'd watch the hell out of that.

More like she backed into one.

I always appreciate it when shows go the long way around to make a somewhat inconsequential joke happen. The effort alone cracks me up.

I was half expecting the impersonator to actually be John Mellencamp.

I mainly watch Modern Family because my wife likes it but it does manage to crack me up (I got her to start watching The Middle).

I expect my two sons to be the same way. They are 3 and 4 and very clothing adverse.

Ninety Two

I disagree about what Modern Family is going for. I've never gotten a sense that they actually are concerned with representing what being in a modern family is like. Modern Family is essentially farce and is mostly concerned with getting as many jokes out there as possible with the hope that the majority stick. The

Same here.

For some reason this and Gloria's entrances were easily the biggest laughs for me.

Yeah, that bothered me as well. Made me wonder if the writers know how old Luke is supposed to be.

I was a bit irritated by this as well. Is it really necessary to do both?

Probably because the reviews are for season 8.

There aren't enough "Likes" in the world…

Agree about Akela. She needs to become full time.

I'd like to see him again. It would be odd to bring him on for a cameo with nothing else for him to do later on.