I may be in the minority here but I would love a new Trek series centered around the USS Titan with Riker and Troi. Surround them with all new characters and make it more serialized than TNG. I'd sure as hell tune in.
I may be in the minority here but I would love a new Trek series centered around the USS Titan with Riker and Troi. Surround them with all new characters and make it more serialized than TNG. I'd sure as hell tune in.
The Ralph Wiggum line is so ingrained in my very being that I had to start making a concious effort to stop saying "that's unpossible" lest my children pick up on it and start saying it themselves.
This must happen. IMMEDIATELY.
That's how Peter Deluise came about.
My dad was a doctor and medical knowledge is passed down genetically! I'm totally qualified! Get me to the Dome!
Who is Hector Molina?! And why do they keep sending me his Junk Mail?!?
The idea of people turning into lizards and fucking after achieving Warp 10 is based on solid science. A handfull of excellent papers on the subject are published every year. Why we're not funding more research into trans-warp lizard mutation orgies is beyond me. I blame the bible thumpers.
I second Happy Anniversary.
I didn't even notice until you mentioned it. I like the cut of Zack's jib.
The same argument can be made for the other characters as well, although to a lesser degree. Starfleet is always bristling at Sisko's role as the Emmisary, Kira is always butting heads with the Bajoran government, later on Bashir's "uniqueness" will set him apart as well, and O'Brien is Irish.
I can state, with a reasonable amount of certainty, that Disney World employees never wonder how someone could not have fun there.
Really? If someone offerred me a million dollars I'd watch my 80-year-old mother go down on a warthog. I'll even pretend to enjoy it.
Wow… I just had a sudden urge to see the Walking Dead credits done in the style of the original Battlestar Galactica.
I used to watch the extended two-night version of Dune they showed on WGN. I got so used to that cut that when I finally got around to watching the original cut I couldn't believe how truncated it felt. Sad they won't realease the extended cut on DVD or Blu-Ray (sad for me anyway).
The Applebees story must be told.
There are many similarities between the two shows but most of it is just style. The main characters of both shows have very little in common other than being lower middle class and weird.
The review within the review gave Cult an A.
Didn't bother me since the manager screwed her over as badly as the other employees. Plus, he flies kites and therefore deserves what he gets.
What makes you think the Soviets would be willing to let them go if they did defect? They and their children would become huge targets, and given that they themselves just managed to capture and murder a traitor right under the nose of the FBI they can't believe that they're safety could ever be completely…