pathetic fallacy

That and Chapo have been the only two podcasts I've been up for paying for. Cum Town is the funniest one out there in my book.

This podcast has fallen a bit by the wayside for me, but I always remember it being great.

There's a lot I like about this show. It's not the best, and I'm sure that me reading the books as a kid is giving it a rose tint for me, but I'm very much enjoying.

This is a lot better than it has any right to be. Can't wait to see how it goes on.

For me, it seemed like the point where every event had to become Heroes vs Heroes. They've stopped hiding it and flatout call their event comics that now.

I support Chapo and I'm close to supporting Cum Town.

I heard a story about him calling the WWE to check if McMahon was alright when his car blew up.

This isn't far off actually.

A fucking pencil.

"Some kind of toxic glaze."

I loved these books, even though I'm pretty sure that I still have no idea what was going on with anything.

Yeah, it was okay. Enjoyed the CCTV thing. Next season looks good.

I completely forgot that there was an Olympics this year.

I know I shouldn't be saying this, and I'm kinda embarrassed yno, but I enjoyed this episode.

It's a Twilight Zone level twist. To get rid of that department would be to put himself out of a job.

The Rick Perry thing is top level trolling. It really is like 4chan is picking this cabinet.


My hot tub is a safe space is anyone is interested.

Putting aside how much PewDiePie sucks, it is weird how a lot of YouTube channels are losing subscribers and views almost at random, while YouTube promotes what it chooses to promote (i.e. the people that pay them). This is some people's living after all.

I hope it's like The Man Show.