pathetic fallacy

You think this is a tearjerker? You should watch the episode that Trump hosts.

That Jheri's Place sketch really got me. I was just about to go "Oh this episode was so good until Jones screwed it up again" but it conned me.

He sounds like an absolute delight.

This is more of a "wish I never got caught" type deal.

Woah…does that mean the charities lost $4,600?

It's pretty convenient that his name is Strange, right?

I thought it was because he dropped a watermelon on his foot and broke a toe. Not that these two things are mutually exclusive.

I think he lost a lot of money on the Stock Exchange recently. Also, his brother (Gallagher Too) is pretending to be him and taking all of his gigs.

I pierce the film a few times with a fork, then stick it in the microwave for 3-5 minutes, take out, stir, chuck it in the magic machine for a couple more minutes, then I put it on a plate.

Brooker has said before that he was going for the Scandi police show vibe.

"Although they’re written like garbage…"

It's a British thing. Like fish and chips. Or colonialism.

I'm always saying that. "Yno what, Frank? You're the least racist person."

Live from New York, this is shit.

I think there might several San Juniperos. Like different servers maybe?

To be fair, maybe my love of those Scandi crime shows helped me love 6.

I thought this was Black Mirror at its best. Well, until I saw 4 and 6.

That sounds about on par with 'Asshole Brando' on The Island of Dr Moreau where he wanted to add the twist that he was actually a dolphin.

You are entering the vicinity of an area adjacent to a location. The
kind of place where there might be a monster, or some kind of weird
mirror. These are just examples; it could also be something much better.

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