pathetic fallacy


How does he know that I have gas?


Started with a great Bill Buckley impression. I liked that Merchant had clearly listened to the show, knew what Norm was going to do, and sort of cut through it a bit. Was a very good episode.

Speaking Out by Ed Balls.

Really? The trailer made it look awful.

He also denied knowing Putin or even anything about him. And that got rapturous applause.

Egg Roulette with Jerry Sandusky.

I don't think Arsenio would have done that.

It had six good episodes, five of which were Season 3.

Please come back and do stand-up, Eddie.

The only time Ann Coulter has something on her mind is when she's wearing a hat!

Why does THIS exist?

He probably had one of the most heroic moments in the film where he saved that knocked out security guard.

VIDEO: John Oliver agrees with everyone for over 10 minutes

I think even Ricky admitted that at some point.

There was a story about that Shatner roast, I think Norm Macdonald told it. They come in and say "No jokes about Shatner's dead wife" and Macdonald heard a bunch of groans and scribbling out and he's there sitting and thinking: "You all had dead wife jokes?"

It's hard to review something that's little more than a glorified cameo.

I'm glad these two horrible people got the chance to collaborate.

Do you bleed, I mean, need documents?