pathetic fallacy

Chris might be one of the best sitcom characters in the last twenty years.

But…but…Henry VIII did have a son…

How many average films you gonna be in, Kendrick?!

Not Another Teen Movie is actually a comedy rather that a montage of references.

Please do.

Okay here goes:


I wanted to dislike this movie, but The Rock is so God damn charming.

Just finished the I Luv 911 vanity plate ep.

Too late for anybody to see this, but I am subscribed to far too many podcasts. Few highlights:

That episode was everything I ever wanted and it made me insane.

*looks into the camera, breaks fourth wall, farts*

I had no idea anybody here listened to Do the Right Thing.

I would not be surprised the final had about four chains in there. This entire thing is a mess and I love it.

Similar to Hugh Jackman before him.

"We all know that heroes don't kill people, but this film asks…what if they did?"

The Dolphin or The Rube.

I feel true joy every time they have to explain the ten basketballs system (which ultimately doesn't count for anything) and whether the burger is going to an alien or a Mogwai.

Despite how adorable and talented Anna Kendrick is, does anybody else find her, I dunno, a bit mediocre and bland?