pathetic fallacy

*Colin Jost breaks*

If only that were the case.

Luckily, Leslie Jones knows the neighbourhood.

Laid and paid don't have to be linked.

There's a distinct lack of a Bill Murray character just trying to get laid/paid.

But she knows the streets and, in 2016, there are no maps.

"Who ya gonna call this summer?"

Urban sciences.

*Homeless man sees ghosts, throws bottle of liquor in the trash*

"I could walk into the street, bust some ghosts, and I'll still be top of the polls."

That's not a wink, that's a stroke.


Bustin' ghosts for 70% of the wage of male Ghostbusters.

The Mantzoukas/St Clair/Parham episodes.

I think the 'It's pronounced Cheetos' line pushed it into GOAT.

Are we talking about the joke about Nick attracting and banging bugs?

I would have liked "Same Love" more if it wasn't all "Hey, it's cool to be gay. I'm not gay, no no, but it's totally cool, and I am not gay."

how dare you

If I'm not mistaken, that episode also had a great Will Smith in Concussion impression.

Well the book was damn good. So, yno, hopes.