
Many, many people did not like Smash Mouth at the time.

Hike up your skirt a little more,
Want to touch the hiney


Agreed, but my trilogy of choice there is Pacific Theme, Anthems, and Cause=Time. I choose to ignore that you have to flip the vinyl for that..

For some reason, me and a new paramour watched that whole movie where she was being romanced by a hitman. Gawd, that was one awful piece of shit. I mean, is she in anything good? Isn't she from that Twilight shit?

You say tomato, I say fuck you

I'm 37 and I'm good with that I learned to identify One Republic correctly. Harry Styles? What kinda name is that? Is he a pro wrestler?


All the discussion about Bash's make-up? About that making him gay? Geeeesh have you all not heard of a male lesbian? Eddie Izzard, anybody?

The cynic in me would bet on that the black fella willing to work at Fox News is a pretty unscrupulous fella, but maybe that's just my disdain for Clarence Thomas being unfairly blanket-applied.

I was 24, but well into my thirties I have continued to turn people onto that record and revisit it lovingly at the same time.

Dear Gawd. BSS records are so good at putting three songs together that sound nothing alike yet flow together perfectly and are all killer. Meet Me In The Basement, Sentimental X's, Sweetest Kill might be their best trilogy.

Color Me BADD.

Kinda reads like Tommy Wiseau, to be honest.

"If Razorblade Suitcase had been [as popular as] Jagged Little Pill, it wouldve killed us."

Maquiladora is a darling piece of guitar pop. They were really good at that.

Vince said God Bless? Shit, he tried to take on God on at least one occasion!

Kid Rock? Bob? Is that you?

Well, ya see, if we cut the taxes on the rich, they'll buy goods and capital from each other with the savings, then pay sales taxes on those goods, increasing the government's revenue!

Find somebody who disagrees with you politically, and pay attention to them for twelve seconds, because you are in over your head here in a political discussion?