
Now, now, every so often a Clarence Thomas slips through into the system.

As High Life warms, I definitely pick up on some farty overtones. Apparently some people like that. I think carbonation and farty is a less than desirable combination.

It was a ballsy joke, indeed. But the reaction in this article depresses me. The gay people I've known and know, I'd think would laugh at that joke. It's got that smidgen of truth about it, about Trump supporters by and large.

Or he could just toss off a less PC comment and call a large percentage of motivated Trump supporters angry gay-bashing xenophobes. Aaaaand scene.

I don't know Louis Virtel, but that stupid fucking comment is about as hollow as anything Ann Coulter says.

Member Death Mountain? Member the hookshot? Member the superbomb?

Your favorite band sucks.

His genuine lack of empathy, by definition, makes him a quite viable candidate for antichrist.

I barely knew that was a thing. I was under the impression that the "Wool Over The Eyes" thing about Sandy Hook was that a kid on the spectrum shot a bunch of kids on the spectrum.

I've been slowly making linguistic progress at replacing d-bag with d-harn. Very slowly. I'm waiting on the first lesbian to tell me that d-harn is insensitive, but I'm sure it's coming.

My ceviche looks exactly like that, I have eaten on it for 3 days multiple times, and it's never made me sick. Cheap Kroger tilapia. Effing delicious.

It's what I suggest to people who don't like typical beer but like Newcastle. I don't get at all this reviewer's notion that there's a "mustard" note to it, though. I get slight banana overtones.

Beamish if you like the bitter notes in Guinness, Murphy's if you don't. I dig me some Beamish.

Well, he drew one of you using the N word, but it just didn't quite make the cut.

Oh, I dunno, it's probably in response to Israel's willingness to take out by airstrike an influential octogenarian in a wheelchair. Because Israel did that.

Austria had the luxury of being a comparatively wealthy country. And yeah, they had to micro manage their shit, being right at the hot spot of the cold war.

He didn't. He just spent a lot of time trying to look competent so he knew the reference.

What the fuck you mean, terrifying???

What, you think the election is gonna be over on Tuesday? Hahahahaha

It just wasn't the same without Wyatt Paar's rendition of the National Anthem from last year, that segued into "Make You Pay For Calling Me Gay", when Uncle Kracker came out on stage.